Top Ten Most Drastic Celebrity Transformations
They’re in the camera so much for so long, that sometimes it’s hard to notice changes that celebrities have made to their appearance, sometimes it’s a subtle nose job here, or a few different things along the years, but then, there’s the big changes, or years of plastic surgery, or lots of plastic surgery at once. The pressure in Hollywood to keep it fresh is brutal, but what happens when celebrities take it too far, and do too much?
A shining, bright talent in the world, Michael Jackson emerged from a dark personal life and upbringing. With all he went through, achieving fame at such a young age, it's amazing he lasted as long as he did, but there were costs. One of those costs was his desire to remove traces of his father in himself, along with a host of other psychological issues, I'm sure.
Unfortunately, Michael surrounded himself with people who weren't good for him and trusted bad doctors. The result was the ghost-faced, train wreck of plastic surgery that he was left with. Michael was a classic case of body dysmorphic disorder and couldn't see what he was doing to himself. Unfortunately, someone should have seen for him and had his back, but they didn't. Nevertheless, MJ's transformation is undeniably drastic.

C'mon, don't tell me you all didn't see this one coming? Ten surgeries - yes, you heard right, ten - have turned a cute Heidi Montag into a… Barbie? I'm just not sure what to call the lumps of plastic that now make up what used to be Heidi Montag. She used to have a pretty grating personality on The Hills, and now that has translated to her looks. I mean, I guess do what makes you happy, but for the purpose of this list, Heidi Montag is a prime example of a drastic and surprising celebrity transformation.

Mickey Rourke went from heartthrob to train-wreck, then back to pretty good-looking. Years of boxing and boozing messed up and mashed Mickey's face so much that he got reconstructive surgery, apparently in someone's basement. No, I'm sort of kidding, but wow, that's what it looked like.
Nowadays, he's looking a lot better, no doubt thanks to some re-reconstructive surgery, a tan, some wisely grown facial hair, and some sexy silver hair extensions. Don't get me wrong, he still doesn't look great for 62 or so, but if you see a before and after and after, you'll get what I mean.

Not that anyone cares about Carrot Top, but seriously, what is up with his face? It seems like Carrot Top is trying to turn himself into a cartoon character, hoping that his exaggerated looks will make up for how unfunny he is now. I mean, he was kinda cute in 1998 with his ginger-fro and his somewhat feminine face.
Then he started getting ripped at the gym and also got some work done at the plastic surgeon, and now he looks like... I don't even know. His steroid use is messing up his body, and his surgeon is messing up his face. He keeps lifting his eyebrows higher and higher, and now his skin has that shiny appearance that people who have had a lot of plastic surgery get. I'm just not sure what I'm looking at.

Holy God, what has happened to Janice Dickinson? Janice Dickinson started out as a drop-dead, vivacious woman and calls herself "the first supermodel." She was unique, she was beautiful, she was stunning... and then she jumped on the plastic surgery wagon.
After that, she just looked like a generic pretty Hollywood lady. Then, since she has never heard the term "aging gracefully," she did it again, and oh man, it's bad. She looks like a Play-Doh creation of Mickey Rourke before he got his work fixed. You know what she looks like? A Jim Henson puppet from the movie "Labyrinth." Somebody fire that surgeon, will you?

Though she claims not to have had surgery, Nicole Kidman apparently has never heard the term "aging gracefully." Yes, she's always had fabulous skin, and she's always been beautiful, but lately, the 46-year-old is looking stretched and scary. I recently watched Stoker, and she looked awful. An obvious and extreme lip job, a waxy complexion, and an even more drawn-back face (if that's even possible) made Nicole Kidman unrecognizable. I had to actually IMDb the movie to make sure it was her. She's still so young. What is she doing to her face? Make it stop!

Though not a disaster yet, Kate Beckinsale has definitely made a huge transformation, even if it has been for the better. Anyone who's seen Much Ado About Nothing and then seen anything of hers in the last ten years can tell she's had some work done. People also speculate she's had a lot of breast work done frequently, but she says the changes in her breasts and the stretch marks are from pregnancy.
Who knows, but one thing's for sure: Much Ado and Underworld Kate are barely the same person. And if I haven't been clear, I think she's gorgeous. I really hope she keeps it where it's at.

Kenny, Kenny, Kenny. What were you thinking? I mean, all the women forgetting what aging gracefully means is one thing, but when you're a rugged heartthrob country singer, what in the world are you doing going under the knife like that? Didn't you get an accredited surgeon? Good night! Now perpetually surprised, Kenny has lost his heartthrob status and his credibility.

She used to be the good and casual role model on Hannah Montana until she eventually messed up, including her appearance in her music video for Wrecking Ball. She went crazy on drugs and other stuff. As for her appearance, she used to look great during Hannah Montana but eventually followed the messed-up looks trending at the time before undergoing a haircut that gave her the likeness of her Hannah Montana wig.

She used to look like a beautiful lady until all her plastic surgery. Now she looks more like a blobfish that got burnt.
The Newcomers

She had a pretty beautiful face in her heyday until all the plastic surgery made her look like a plain woman to this day.

She used to look like your good ol' lady until all that plastic surgery that gave her an evil look.

Jennifer Aniston isn't guilty of tons of horrifying plastic surgery, and I'm not even sure if she's had plastic surgery (which is the way to go, people, if I haven't been clear), but she has definitely made a drastic transformation from the early '90s Rachel to the powerhouse she is now. Now, I don't love Jennifer Aniston, but she does seem to get more beautiful every year while still looking natural and fresh.
This look and approach cannot be understated. Whether it's plastic surgery done very well, or just good genes, makeup, and style, Jennifer has made leaps and bounds since her start, for the better.

We'll give Baby a nod in this one because her nose - maybe cheek - job changed and pretty much halted her career. Dirty Dancing is an iconic, heartwarming movie, known to almost everyone, and part of why it touched our hearts was that Baby was the every-girl. She was anyone. She was you, she was me. And if she could get Patrick Swayze, so could I! And then she made herself generic, and her career flopped. Shouldn't have put the nose in a corner, Baby.

From the beautiful lady she was, all the plastic surgery gave her this stereotypical look of a monster that came from outer space.

She was the chameleon of fashion until a fat-freezing transformation gave her a rare side effect that worsened her appearance, putting her off the map for years and leaving her face pulled back and hidden to prevent looking like that.

She used to show off this smooth, short hair until more recently. Now her hair looks a lot longer.