Top 10 Hardest Things About Being a Guy

Although women may have the hardest lives of the genders, men have some huge struggles as well. And often people don't pay much attention to them.
The Top Ten
Having to lead in relationships

Not to mention planning all the romantic dates, buying flowers, and sometimes even giving massages.

I think that women should have just as much of a right to lead a relationship as men.

Men are the ones who propose and are also the main performers in sex.

Being more susceptible to genetic diseases

Women have two X chromosomes, while men only have one. This means men have a greater chance of getting diseases that are passed on genetically. This is one of the factors that leads to men having shorter lives.

I actually didn't know this. Great!

Facing pressure not to be emotional

I'm a girl, and I think it's mean to be laughed at for having emotions. When I was in grade school, my little brother, who was eleven, broke his arm and leg. He obviously cried, and when he came back from the hospital, all the boys were laughing and making fun of him. Why can't a boy have feelings without being bullied?

I'm a really emotional person, but when I cry, people think I'm either acting like a baby or that I'm gay. Meanwhile, if women cry, they get sympathy, and people feel bad for them.

Everyone has emotions. I'm a girl, but I can relate to this because I barely cry, and I am a tomboy. It must be hard for you guys to deal with this.

Being less supported by others and more on their own

I've noticed this with some of my male friends. Boys, including myself, tend to be particularly competitive, and when one of them struggles or stumbles, they are often kicked while they're down. I do my best to support my friends during times like these, but the people around me can be really heartless. My female friends, on the contrary, always look out for each other. It's one thing I really like about them.

Not only do I feel like girl friends support each other more and do more things as a team, but also society is constantly looking out for women and supporting them in their careers and other areas of their lives. Guys are usually just pushed to the back in this regard.

Being more likely to be falsely accused of rape

Even if you're proven innocent, it's most likely not going to be mentioned in the news. Society will hate you, your family and friends will likely ditch you, you'll get fired because of the mere accusation, and you're far less likely to get a new job because nobody wants to be associated with you.

Experiencing unwanted erections and ejaculations

I feel like people shouldn't be made fun of for getting these. Sometimes the body just decides it's going to do something, and you can't do anything about it. Like, come on, if you see a guy with a random erection, don't pick on him or point it out.

Struggling more with breakups

Science has found that men's health problems often increase after breakups, and they tend to feel more down. Guys probably also get less support after breakups.

Added to the fact that we get less support, it means a pretty rough time for us.

Finding it harder to make friends
Being eligible for the draft

Although it makes sense not to draft women, it kind of sucks that guys are forced to leave the country without a choice. And it's not just about leaving - it's about risking getting blown up.

It's so sexist that women aren't forced to do it as well!

Being made fun of for being abused by a girl

The Newcomers

? Being more likely to be viewed as misogynists
? Being more likely to be viewed as pedophiles
The Contenders
Being more likely to receive the death penalty
Not being as pampered

Girls pamper themselves with an array of things they like, while we boys get nothing.

Seeing women's rights more enforced than men's rights
Receiving longer prison sentences

Women should get sentences exactly as long as men's, depending on the crime, obviously.

Being stereotyped
Having a vulnerable spot between the legs

Whenever I get hit in the genitals, it feels like my stomach hurts.

I often hear that thing gets in the way a lot.

Being more likely to have autism or ADHD
Lacking abuse shelters

If you're a man, there are very, very few. Not to mention, women are actually more likely to abuse men. In America, anyway.

People only caring about female rape victims while they make fun of male rape victims
Knowing most of history's worst human beings are male
If you're not manly, others think you're gay

This always happens to me just because I'm not a meathead like all the other boys at my school. I'm sorry that I prefer academics over sports, but that doesn't make me gay!

Not being able to flirt your way out of a speeding ticket
Being more likely to be viewed as sexual predators
Being more likely to be colorblind
Your voice changing during puberty

I used to be a really good singer before puberty because I had a high vocal range and could hit the high notes in songs with a modal voice. Now, I have a horrible voice with a very limited range on both low and high notes.

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