Top 10 Times the WWE Screwed the Fans
Certainly the worst decision by WWE. If I were Vince, I would have allowed the streak to continue. They made an even bigger mistake at 2015 SummerSlam by having The Undertaker beat Brock Lesnar unclean, making Undertaker look like a bad guy and Brock like a star. When Taker walked out of the ring, the fans actually booed him and cheered for Lesnar. This was the first time in Undertaker's 25-year WWE career that he got booed. It was really shocking!
He used to be the most respected man in the company and among the fans. Now, look what WWE has done after all he had done for WWE! Have they forgotten about the tremendous success that Undertaker brought to WWE over 20 years? Undertaker promoted present stars like Cena and made him famous. They let a babyface like Cena win 20 or 30 titles but broke the streak of a legendary wrestler like Undertaker, who carried WWE. WWE destroyed a legend! Without Undertaker, WWE would be nothing. This is the biggest mistake in WWE history!
WWE really messed up here. Throughout the pay-per-view, the fans demanded Daniel Bryan. Everyone was expecting Bryan in the Rumble match, but when Mysterio entered last instead of Bryan, the fans were outraged. To infuriate the fans even more, Batista won the Rumble match instead of Roman Reigns.
Even though Daniel Bryan was in the main event at WrestleMania XXX, it was a real pain that they wasted all this time bringing Batista back to win the Rumble match to face Orton in the main event. They had to put Bryan in the match so it wouldn't suck.
In a string of never-ending humiliation for Zack Ryder, who the fans loved, he loses the US title to Jack Swagger after being viciously attacked by Kane, gets tombstoned by Kane at The Royal Rumble, walks in on his girlfriend Eve kissing John Cena, gets driven off the Raw stage by Kane in a wheelchair, loses the tag team match at WrestleMania XXVIII, and, just to add insult to injury, has Eve turn on him.
Nothing against John Cena, but the fact that Cena beat Brock Lesnar in an Extreme Rules match after Lesnar spent the whole match brutalizing Cena makes no sense.
There should have been a rematch for the WWE Undisputed Championship between Triple H and Chris Jericho. Instead, Jericho was pushed to the side, and Hogan faced Triple H at Backlash.
This was basically Vince McMahon saying that Rey Mysterio wasn't good enough, or more accurately, not big enough to be WWE Champion.
The Newcomers
These are two of the most well-rounded athletes in the entire WWE. They are big and strong like Vince likes, and they have amazing athleticism. So, what is wrong?
It was like a slap in the face to the fans. It's basically saying to ignore the fact that Owen Hart was killed and just go on with the pay-per-view. Many people, including Bret Hart, were outraged that Vince continued the PPV after Owen's tragic fall to death.
This is Vince McMahon for you. He is rude, selfish, and doesn't care what the fans think or want.
Till Kane had his mask on, he always looked like a man who meant business. He was never less than Brock Lesnar as a heel character in the Attitude Era. WWE made him a joke after his unmasking. The intensity and fear of that mysterious Big Red Machine were always missing after he became an ordinary big bald guy.
Unmasking Kane was the worst decision WWE made. It killed Kane's momentum and coolness. If WWE didn't unmask Kane, I bet he would have been super over in 2007 and had championship gold around his waist.
And giving it to Charlotte only because she's a Flair.
Of all the winners of Tough Enough, only two accomplished anything, and they aren't with the company anymore. Especially with Andy Levine, if you are going to give away a million-dollar contract, at least have the decency to use whoever gets it.
Heath Slater is a legend and the greatest fighter of all time! He could beat up everyone on earth if they all ganged up on him. Heath Slater would make a better president than Kanye West. He is also a better musician than Eminem, Michael Jackson, and every musician combined. Heath Slater is a better footballer than Messi and Ronaldo. Slater is love, Slater is life.