Top Ten Things to Do When You're Having a Bad Day
Bad days, like us, come in all shapes and sizes, for all reasons. Not everything works for every problems, but there are a few things that at the very least can’t hurt anything, either. This list is for healthy, encouraging things that can be done to alleviate a bad day, not for negativity, or aggressive behaviors to exacerbate your mood or situation.Music is how I express myself. A lot of people think I'm mental or something because I listen to screamo and metal, but it means a lot to me. Music is my life, and it has saved it too.
Listening to music is probably the best way to relax and take your mind off your problems. In a good way, music has become my life.
Music has turned into most of my character lately. Whatever music I listen to on certain days makes my mood obvious.
I just try to remember all of my strong points, the people who have complimented me, and the positivity I receive. It's not good to base everything on what other people think, but it does remind me that the world likes me - maybe more than I actually like myself.
I often repeat positive messages to myself and think about the good things that people have said about me. Even the simplest "You're a great guy" can be powerful.
Nothing makes me feel better faster than thinking of everything I do have and how much worse it could have been. We are given so much that sometimes the simple act of acknowledging how much we have can banish the bad, or at least put it into perspective. Perspective is almost always half of it. Things are almost never as bad as they seem.
It's hard to feel bad for yourself when you are thinking about all the things, people, and blessings you have in your life. Especially if you can put yourself in someone else's shoes who has it worse than you. It's also hard to feel bad for yourself when you consider how bad other people have it.
I know this sounds like it has nothing to do with your bad day, but drinking H2O makes everything in your body function better. It flushes out toxins, helps your brain function, makes you less tired, and can make you look better because dehydrated skin is unhappy skin. When you look better, you feel better. Also, when I get really upset or I'm crying, I get horrible headaches. Water can help with these, too.
Though this doesn't always help me, it at least reminds me to breathe. When I'm really angry or really upset, I tend to hold my breath a little or breathe shallowly, and your brain can't function properly without oxygen. If meditation is your thing, go for it - it certainly can't hurt.
Might as well delve into another world if I'm sick of this one, right?
The Newcomers
Another really difficult thing to do when times are trying, but if you can break down exactly why you're mad, sad, depressed, or upset, that can go a long way toward a solution. Once your mind is clear and the problem is identified, a course of action can be decided upon. It's not always possible, and almost never easy, but it can be helpful. Often, I find that when I really sit and think things through, I'm the problem - my attitude or my view of the situation. Not always, but sometimes.
Getting up and moving gets everything going. It releases bad energy and fills you with endorphins. "Exercise gives you endorphins, endorphins make you happy, happy people just don't shoot their husbands - they just don't."
We are given friends and family for a reason. Some of the many reasons include having a shoulder to cry on, an ear to vent to, or receiving good advice. A good friend or family member will be able to provide all those things.
I sit with my cats and play some music.
I love pizza - happy, sad, mad - it's just good.
Whether it is a person, an object, or an idea, sometimes, but not always, confronting the situation head-on takes care of it faster. Sometimes we sit and stew over nothing, or build mountains out of molehills, because we are too afraid of confrontation. Not confronting things can make them fester until they end up being worse when they come out than when they started. Oftentimes, it clarifies things, and when you can see someone else's side of the story, even better.
Talk to a person. It will make you feel better. Also, take some deep breaths.
One of the many great things about dogs is their ability to calm you down. They actually lower your blood pressure. Besides, who can be mad when you have an adorable, loving face staring up at you or a big kiss to the face? Dogs are truly man's best friend, so if your problem is a friend, turn to a dog. Heck, borrow someone's dog if you have to. Maybe take them for a walk. Then you get your exercise and the love of a dog, which is the best love around.
Not to forget, play fetch and all that. What I like to do with my dog is throw him into a pillow (don't worry, he's small and he never gets hurt) and speak gibberish to him. It's great to do, no matter what mood I'm in.
Though for me, the lingering headache after crying is almost worse than the problem, sometimes it's the catharsis that we need. It's a natural, healthy process, and isn't as bad as its reputation. It doesn't make you weak or soft to cry. Sometimes we all go a little crazy. It's okay to cry it out.
Crying is a cycle of me feeling bad, then recovering, then remembering why I cried, and crying again. But somehow, it makes me feel better.
Crying leaves you exhausted, and the result is undisturbed sleep. Things always seem better the morning after the stressful night before.
Sometimes just getting away and out of the situation can lead to clarity and peace. A change of scenery can change how you see things and shed light on your situation. Sometimes taking a drive makes you realize how great where you were really was. Whatever the case, going for a drive and cranking up some uplifting tunes can change your attitude.
I always throw stuff when I am hostile.