Top 10 Dumbest Things People Actually Believe
Of course, there are white people who are racist, but it is incorrect to say that only they can be racist. Black people can also be racist and perhaps just as racist as anyone else. Disagree? Try to prove me wrong.
I learned in history class that during the 19th century, non-Chinese were considered barbaric by people in China. So this claim is not true.
If you actually believe this, then you're a hypocrite and a racist yourself for having prejudice against them.

I actually feel sorry for these people. They try to find great things to do with their lives, and the best they could find was criticizing video games for one reason or another.
Wait, did I say I feel sorry for them? I meant I feel sorry for myself for having to listen to these people.
People always try to blame video games for every problem in society. It's the gamers' responsibility for any misdemeanor or wrongdoing that happens in real life, not the games themselves. Video games are not guns, for crying out loud!

Nobody actually thinks this. The so-called "flat-earthers" are simply obnoxious contrarians looking to create an argument for sport.
Let me bring you back to reality. The Earth can't be flat. If it was, we'd be able to walk off the edge, there'd be no gravity, and time zones wouldn't exist.
If the Earth is flat, then how come no one has taken a picture of the edge of the world? The people who believe this can't answer that question because their claim is wrong. It is a proven fact that the Earth is round.
I don't think so because most of the things I think about are what I should do for a video game review and related topics.
Oh, I barely even think about sex.

Being autistic has given me many talents that I wouldn't ever want to lose. It's quite irritating when people judge others by their appearance or how their brain works.
Just remember that our brains give us privileges that non-autistic people will never experience. Also, autistic people are some of the kindest individuals out there. We are known for nearly always telling the truth and speaking our minds if anything's wrong, so the stereotype that we're violent is false and close-minded.
This is just rude. I've met Arabs before, and they are more peaceful than most Americans.

The main reason religion (Christianity) is so bad is that people are practically brainwashed into believing things that don't exist. If I told you that Bigfoot was in my house without proof, would you believe me? No. If I told you I got laid five times in a day, would you believe that? No!
I think theology in general is misguided. Not only Christianity but also Islam, Judaism, and all other religions are misguided. Every theory that includes a god as a belief is irrational!
There are Christians who make our religion's reputation worse by believing in dumb things, like God hates gay people, blah blah blah.

The Newcomers
I've seen a rich kid get depressed, and everyone told him he was ungrateful and thankless because he was not constantly celebrating and jumping around.
It made me angry, especially since depressed people need support, not people telling them that they are ungrateful just because they happen to be rich, talented, or attractive and depressed at the same time.

How was this not already on the list?
I'm a girl, and even I don't agree with this. My friends believe it, but I don't. Boys aren't that bad.
Nope, the Bible is no proof at all. Some dude just wrote it, and people believe everything it says. I'm an atheist and don't believe anything Christian. Sue me.

The USA is the greatest country in terms of military power and global influence, yes. However, in terms of quality of life, healthcare, and wealth, there are better first-world countries in those categories.
However, the United States is not one of the worst either. It heavily depends on the state and area too. Having a good life in the US can be as good as in most other first-world developed countries if you make the right financial decisions and live in a good area with low poverty and crime.
Not true! People elected a clown (yes, I'm talking about Donald Trump) who said many times during his campaign, "America will be great again." This implies that America isn't the greatest country. FYI, it will never be the greatest country. There are too many ignorant people in the US.
Where did this even come from? They can.
I have three things to say:
1. Atheists don't worship Satan because they don't believe in Satan.
2. Just because someone doesn't believe in the same things as you doesn't mean they're evil, as long as they don't make fun of you for your beliefs.
3. There is a list on this website called "Top 10 Atheists." Go ahead and read it. Anyway, some people say, "If you don't believe in God, you will go to Hell." But according to the list I mentioned, there were some really good people who were actually atheists. Do you really think God would put people like Stephen Hawking and Bill Nye in Hell just for their beliefs?

Doesn't exist, yet people still believe this in 2022.

Well, I want to make it clear to everyone that not all metal is satanic. In fact, metal is divided into various genres, such as Thrash Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Speed Metal, Metalcore, and so on.
Only Black Metal is somewhat satanic (its name makes that clear), and Death Metal also indulges in supernatural themes, like biblical allusions. But Thrash Metal is different from all of them. It talks about real-life problems and the dirty political situation in a country. Thrash Metal includes bands like Metallica and Megadeth.
So, it's a prejudice to consider all metal satanic. If you still have any doubts, listen only to Thrash Metal. That's the perfect solution and an eye-opener.
Some modern rappers can stand out, such as Denzel Curry, Ghostemane, Kendrick Lamar, and Tech N9ne. However, there are some talentless ones who got famous through their flexing techniques.
It's not dumb. It's an opinion. There are actually talented modern rappers like Eminem. I don't listen to modern rap often, but there are exceptions of talented modern rappers.
No, of course they aren't. They just use autotune to sound good, when in reality, they sound even worse.

Yeah, because a doll version of Tails is going to jump out of your SEGA Saturn and murder you.
But it is real! Everything on the internet, and especially on, has to be real!
I believe roughly 30% of people in America still believe this. How sad.
This is probably the lowest percentage of homophobes we've had in all of history.
There are countries that have banned homosexuality because of this stupid claim.

People said this?