Top 10 Worst Things WWE Has Done

The Top Ten
1 Go PG

WWE's family programming has been given a PG television rating by their network distributors. World Wrestling Entertainment has been engaging families across all generations with their family programming for more than two decades and will continue to do so for years to come with all the action on Raw, SmackDown, and ECW.

WWE is destroying the sport, and it is obvious they don't care. The writing is horrible. You have to build heels and let them win matches clean. Pushing meatheads with no personality like Reigns and Lesnar is embarrassing. They will lose so much money if they don't change.

2 Kill Owen Hart with a malfunctioning harness

Dumb for doing that. What if that was you? Little jerks.

They didn't purposely kill him. He accidentally fell to his death.

3 Repeat matches

Yeah, they do terribly with that. Most PvP matches today are all rematches.

Don't forget the 70-part saga of Randy Orton and John Cena.

This versus that all over again. Boredom!

4 Not push new talent

They need to put forth guys like Seth Rollins, Finn Balor, and Cesaro.

5 Support SOPA

They can support whoever they want, as long as they don't shove its content down our throats week in and week out, which they don't.

6 Replace ECW with NXT

This is about the old NXT, right? The game show series from 2010-11? That sucked. Since 2012, NXT has evolved into a better version, like how a Magikarp turns into a Gyarados.

Sure, December to Dismember was bad, but ECW still had matches that people liked. It feels like they just got rid of it for money.

ECW was a complete fraud, and NXT was even worse.

7 Replace PPVs

They don't care about PPVs anymore. It's now WWE Network, not to mention doing two pay-per-views a month and placing them in timeslots that do not fit at all.

8 Get sued by pandas

May I explain? When WWE was WWF (World Wrestling Federation), it had the same name as a different WWF (World Wildlife Federation). So, the second WWF sued WWE, and then they became World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). The current WWF has a panda on the logo.

9 Erase Chris Benoit from WWE's history

They erased him from history, even the emotional match at WrestleMania 20. Can't WWE just respect Benoit as a wrestler?

Even though what he did was horrible, Benoit will not be forgotten by the fans.

I will always remember Benoit as a great athlete and not for the tragedy.

10 Turn their network into a pump-and-dump scam
The Contenders
11 Make RAW run 3 hours

I have other shows to watch, but three hours of RAW is too long. I'm only interested in watching it for two hours.

Do they really have to run it for that long?

12 Bully their employees
13 Botch the invasion storyline

All thanks to Vince McMahon's ego.

14 Not bring back WCW

They tried that by testing it on Raw, and it failed.

15 End Undertaker's undefeated Wrestlemania streak

I watched WWE only because of Undertaker. They ruined his legacy and destroyed him by continuing his career. Let him retire and be in peace, for God's sake, Vince Clueless. He is so old now. I quit watching WWE since 2014.

What! Why did WWE do this to the legendary Undertaker? I think that was one of the worst things I have watched in WWE.

The bad thing wasn't The Undertaker losing his streak. It was that Brock Lesnar broke it.

16 Repeatedly screw over Daniel Bryan
17 Ignore the fans

WWE's stubbornness is ruining the product. They even went as far as confiscating Daniel Bryan signs.

Why bother being famous for attention then?

18 Underpush Cesaro

I just read an article today that said WWE employees dislike Cesaro and have told him to "stop being impressive" in the ring. He also got his first singles win in over a year on SmackDown not that long ago. This goes to show that WWE does not want to push great talent.

Come on, Vince, what's your obsession with Roman Reigns? Cesaro is ten times the worker in a day than Roman Reigns ever was.

19 Devalue the titles
20 Create the XFL

This made Vince Russo's run in WCW look more credible!

21 Overpush Charlotte Flair
22 Reduce the meaning of Divas
23 Overpush AJ Lee

WWE pushed AJ to the moon, but she wasn't talented enough to reach Lita and Trish's level, or even Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, and Melina's level. She should have just been a jobber her entire career!

24 Bury talents using John Cena
25 Shove Roman Reigns down our throats

Good talent, but he doesn't have his character down pat. I'm just plain sick of him.

As of July 2019, not anymore. Shane McMahon is WWE's biggest problem right now.

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