Top 10 Most Confusing Things in the World
You've probably found yourself, at one point or another, pondering the intricate and often elusive nature of various aspects of life and existence, scratching your head over the seeming impenetrability of certain subjects, entities, or notions. These are things that people don't really understand, and may never understand.
How do we know about Heaven or Hell? Angels? Where are these things?
Who wants to think about it? We need immortality.

Math should grow up and solve its own problems.
Math is hard. No one does it themselves. Hello, there are calculators.

Aliens can be one of the most confusing things, and here's why:
1. There is no proof either way that alien life forms can or cannot exist.
2. We have "seen" UFOs or flying saucers that have not come back. So, why are we blaming the government for something they would never be able to hide from us? These aliens would have to be much more technologically advanced than us, and we haven't even found other life forms. There's only the possibility that life might exist elsewhere, perhaps on another planet in another solar system orbiting another star.
3. How long do you think it would take to get here or for us to get there, to even communicate? If they haven't sent anything back to us - despite our radio waves constantly going out in every direction - they may never reach the edge of the universe. Radio waves travel at the speed of light and harm nothing in their way. Anything with technology, such as satellites, could beam something back to us - by which I mean legitimate aliens, not the nonsense you see on the internet or television.
Think about that when you're typing "www" Are you not typing the initials that actually mean "World Wide Web"? Now, if an alien supposedly exists, they cannot access our satellites or any of our data without knowing how to get through to the other side. Computers, cell phones, and anything that runs on satellites travel slower than the speed of light, but fast enough to instantly beam back data to us at a good streaming rate. This is called "Electro Waves." These waves use electricity from the device itself to beam up from its antenna and back to the receiver to give you the connection you have. Without our input/output methods, we wouldn't have radio waves for TV shows, songs, or broadcasts, nor the ability to connect to the World Wide Web.
Consider this: we can instantly communicate with each other, and whatever's out there gets the signals much later than we do. That means, when you're watching Monday... more

There's this girl I like, but I don't know what to do. My friends tell me to talk to her, but what the heck do you want me to say to her? It's so confusing and scary.
You don't really understand it. You think you love someone, then you don't. How do you know when you truly love someone?
Too many people are confused about this.

The Bermuda Triangle has fascinated me since 5th grade because I'm a very curious person. I love mysteries, and this one is practically my second favorite after Atlantis.
Some people claim a magnetic pull is sucking up the ships, while others blame UFOs. There was even a report about a man claiming to have seen a UFO before disappearing. So, what is going on down there?
Actually, science suggests that ocean currents may have something to do with ships' disappearances. As for planes, I don't know.

It goes on forever! No one can remember all of it, but at least computers can do it better than humans.
What is the point of pi if it repeats itself after a certain number of digits?
It was supposed to be confusing so it could entertain people, so it's confusing in a good way! Its haters may not think so.
It's just confusing, and it makes movies too confusing, even though it isn't real.

I told my friend, a male, that this was #2 on this list, and he agreed that we women are very confusing!
They change their minds more often than men, which is why their minds are so clean...
Men are so simple, so why are women so complex?

The most confusing thing in existence is that there is no proof of any religion, except for writings from millennia ago. And we are supposed to model our lives around that?
Actually, if you look for it, you will find obvious proof in your life that God is real.
The need to invent a fairy tale that deals with mortality in such a confusing way is just ludicrous.
The Newcomers
I believe that there is no afterlife, and our consciousness disappears, and we disappear too. But you believe what you want to believe.
They rely on surface-level information to attack Justin. They don't realize Justin was just immature and young at the time. A lot of people are. They just didn't get famous.
I'm not saying I like him, I'm just saying he isn't a horrible person. I mean, he did horrible things, but he was caught up in the fame. A lot of people would be. Fame is stressful.
He has gotten older and matured, which is good. Plus, his music isn't "bad." It's better than most modern music. I'd say it's decent pop.

"Hey, we should take a penguin, give it cat ears, cover it in fur, give it demon eyes, and make it talk in the voice of a three-year-old girl - in gibberish. And then sell it for around $100."
"Let's make the single most annoying thing in the world and give it to the masses. They'll love it!" - Creators of Furbies.

Not really. Try watching a David Lynch film. Now those are confusing.

This show is full of subliminal messages, I bet.
Shows like this are made for young children. Adults don't have to criticize it.

I've never even seen one, but it sounds strange. Though not completely confusing.

Would she be famous without the booty? Or without Kanye and the TV show?

Tech has been around since the 20th century. Anything electronic-related belongs in the electronics section. Tech will fully evolve in the future.

Or why One Direction exists. Or Justin Bieber. It is a question we'd all like to know the answer to.