Top 10 Positive Traits of Millennials

Millennials are generally people born from 1980 to 2000. Generally, at the core, people from age 20 to 30 fit in the group. The word millennial tends to carry a negative stigma but there's also a lot of good traits that our young generation has.

Just to clarify, THIS IS NOT A GENERALIZATION OF ALL MILLENNIALS. This is simply talking about averages, and on average millennials are more likely to be...
The Top Ten
They learned from their parents' mistakes

Baby boomers' parents never talked to them about life, so they made a lot of mistakes. Thankfully, millennials were able to witness these mistakes and know what not to do.

We've seen unpleasant marriages break apart. We've seen charming manipulators in relationships turn into abusers. We've seen the pursuit of a bigger house and more materialism result in debt. And so on.

They became resourceful due to the recession

The recession that has plagued millennials just entering the job market will have many negative effects, but it will also build their character. Our generation knows not to abuse our credit cards, and we know how to say, "I can't afford that right now, so I'm not going into debt."

They place a high value on education

High school graduation and college enrollment for our generation are the highest they've ever been.

They question conventions

There are a lot of beliefs and traditions in society that have been accepted by past generations, but we look at them more objectively since we don't have the nostalgia of the good old days.

They are politically independent

Compared to previous generations, fewer millennials identify as Democrat or Republican in the United States. Maybe in a few decades, third-party candidates might actually stand a chance.

Yay. A bit tired of the mainstream politics. Let's modernize it all.

They are more tolerant

Baby Boomers grew up in the days of racism and when you would go to prison for being in a relationship with someone of the same gender.

We are more tolerant of homosexuality, soft drug use, and people of different races, cultures, sexual orientations, and lifestyles.

They delay big decisions until they are prepared

We're getting married and having kids at later ages. Granted, it is due to economic concerns. But also, it's a good thing in that marriages after age 25 tend to have a lower divorce rate, and a parent who is older and more stable can provide more for their children.

They are averse to dangerous risks

Drugs, crime, and casual sex are at all-time lows for millennials.

They are savvy with technology

We basically grew up with high-speed internet, Microsoft Office, and other applications. We're well familiar with it, and computer illiteracy practically does not exist.

They are pragmatic idealists

Neither as blindly optimistic as baby boomers nor as notoriously cynical as Gen X'ers. They do expect big changes in the world and our social norms, but they are also aware that progress does not come easy.

We know that progress comes slowly no matter how hard we work at it, but we still expect things to change.

The Newcomers

? They recognize that women can admit they know how to open a door, and men can go first if they were there first
? They know that cancel culture is stupid
The Contenders
They are environmentally conscious
They love animals
They support the LGBT movement
They support the Black Lives Matter movement
They support Juneteenth
They are not clones
They aren't harsh on their kids
They support civil rights
They can fight hate
They can take computer breaks
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