Top 10 Things that are Getting Worse Over Time

I hate rap music. Ugh, my ears! I just cannot stand such awful music. Get rid of rap music, please!
This is so true because this new famous rapper, Ice Spice, looks like a Cheeto Puff. Definitely voting for this.
Welcome to the 2010s, where rappers are horrible!

The Middle East is burning, and the flames are being felt in other parts of the world. They have set new highs in the world of terrorism.
Considering how much has happened within the last year, I'd say this one should be No. 1.
This happens all the time! I swear it'll never stop!

I bought the Best Matches of 2015 DVD, and I have to say that I want to take issue with the person who made this set. If those were the "best fights" of 2015, then WWE needs to die sometime soon.
It doesn't carry the excitement it used to have because they've toned everything down for families.
Seriously! And that time machine thing showed that WWE is getting worse!

Calm your assessment, guys. It's going to take a lot of time for it to have a rapid change, but it's not too late to try and save the environment.
Absolutely! It keeps getting worse and worse, and whoever thinks it is a hoax is a complete moron.
My friends are toxic and evil now.
Should be first.

All they do is cater to people who annoy me so much that I don't even want to mention their names. How did we go from women with actual talent, beauty, and class, such as Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, and Grace Kelly, to real bimbos? These include the talentless plastic family who will do anything for attention, the great-granddaughter of a hotel owner who embodies the "dumb blonde" persona, a bunch of party animals that degrade Italian-American stereotypes, the child beauty pageant participant with a hillbilly background, and the juvenile brat on Dr. Phil who only got famous for saying that one stupid line.
The Newcomers

We used to have a Samsung dishwasher, and it broke down. The whole dishwasher was filled with water.
Never get Samsung dishwashers, people!

It is mostly because of so much inflation and spending.

I hate racists. I hate them with all of my heart. Go to hell, racists, and stop judging people for things they can't help! Did people ever choose to be Black or white? No!
This is way worse than WWE. I've dealt with it every day.
Thanks, Obama, for stirring the ant's nest.

Give some, lose some. But what happens when it goes too far?

This should be first. We're destroying our nature, and it's only going to get worse until we die.
Something can't get worse over time if it was always at rock bottom.
Welcome to the 2010s, where people are idiots.

It isn't quite dead yet, thanks to newer bands like Alabama Shakes and some classic bands that are still touring. However, in about ten years, it will be dead.
Unless we're talking about Christian Rock, that's staying steadily awesome!
Sort of a deadline, but I think there might be some good stuff. However, it feels dead.
American small businesses don't seem to be doing too well in 2017. Is it the year of the numb mind?
Or rather, meaningful employment.

Yes, more people are born than die, causing the world to get worse every day. Nature is being cut down, and more resources are needed. Who knows what damage most people can cause?
This should be a no-brainer, but some people are too dumb to know this.

Now, this is very accurate, especially when you look at last year and this year. It's only getting worse.
Most of the lists on TheTopTens were a joke in 2019.
Well, I agree now because I can't respond to ANY comments since they "must be reviewed."

YouTube should be higher on this list considering that it keeps getting worse every single year and has been since 2017. They even removed the "Broadcast Yourself" slogan a few years ago.
YouTube has gotten so out of hand. We can't watch good videos anymore. All we have is a bunch of idiots ruining it.
With COPPA and the removal of dislike counts and comments on auto-generated art tracks, this site is just getting sadder each day.