Top 10 Reasons Why the United States is Going Downhill

The Top Ten
Crooked Government

There are multiple sides to every argument. I feel Trump, for all of his faults, is trying to make America a better place for future generations. I feel greed is to blame for the state of our country. Politicians have made a life of lobbying, backing those with the deepest pockets, and manipulating the core of our constitution.

It's gotten to the point that it has trickled down to the wealthy business sector that is lobbying the politicians to push their agendas. I wish someone would investigate all of them, go through their financials, and expose their backers for everyone to see.

Terrible President

I have dealt with three to four bad presidents in my lifetime, and I wish I could move someplace far, far away from civilization!

TRUMP is letting this country down. He is a total idiot to even walk up there and say a single word. The fact is, Trump is nothing at all like what he says he is. I am a Hillary fan, and based on research, she is NOT crooked, and neither is Obama. Trump was just criticizing them to make himself look better.

Approval ratings for Trump have NEVER been this low for previous presidents in about 25 years! About 30% of Americans are still in Trump's fan group. A wall? That is the stupidest thing I ever heard.

Rich People Get Away With Everything

Especially celebrities like Chris Brown, who can walk away after beating up women multiple times. Not to mention O.J. Simpson, who literally got away with murdering his wife.

Or Hillary Clinton, who can do what would get (and has gotten) any other government employee fired, fined, and imprisoned. She can get off totally free because "she didn't intend to."

Illegal Immigrants

We aren't taking care of the mentally ill and homeless people we have now. We don't need more people. They can come legally.

Putting Other Countries Ahead of Itself
Large National Debt

This is the biggest problem in the whole country. It will collapse if the debt does not get under control.

We need politicians who are against inflation, not idiots printing more money!

Media Encouraging Division

People that would normally get along are being divided because of pre-made stances they have innately had implemented in their heads through passive observation. Had no media been absorbed, most people wouldn't even know to hate each other. These divisive conversations would never have been spoken, and they probably would get along.

The trash media is turning everyone against each other. There is no support for our President or our system. All the media does is lash out in an evil way. It drums up issues that aren't real!

People Want to Take Away Citizens' Guns

No, it's our 2nd Amendment. It would be terrible if taken away. Other countries would be so happy to have this right to firearms! It's stupid that people want to take it away! It's not guns' fault! Guns don't kill people. People kill people! If someone sets a gun on the table, it won't kill someone. A person would need to pull the trigger and kill someone!

All those huge shootings at events and schools were caused by mentally ill people! Have background checks on mentally ill people to prevent them from buying guns! Don't take away guns. It makes no sense!

Letting in Muslim Migrants
Too Much Tolerance for Authoritarianism

We're letting the government take control over and monitor every aspect of our lives. We have no trust in humanity, which makes us all depressed and anxiety-ridden. We need more freedom. We need to be allowed to make mistakes and learn from them, rather than having one mistake be the end of your life.

The Newcomers

? Life Imprisonment
? Capital Punishment

I'm quite surprised that this hasn't been abolished yet in the USA, especially since more and more countries seem to be starting to abolish capital punishment.

The Contenders
Distrust in Fellow Citizens
Giving Athletes Millions for Doing Nothing

Waste of whiny space. The same goes for celebrities. They all need to disappear.

Identity Politics
Personal Lives Too Open to the Public, Yet Too Repressed in the Privacy of Home
Dangerous Criminals Released on Parole
Weak Military

To be strong means to be leaders.

Terrible Education System

Education is key to prevent more mindless Republicans from being formed. Mindless Trump white nationalists can't think for themselves, like when President Trump wouldn't denounce white supremacists, and people bought into some of the worst spin I have ever seen and said it never happened.

When Trump lost, people said he won. When people rioted, they said it was antifa. The fact people are this stupid is scary. Just because they put it on Comedy Central, making funny skits about how dumb these people are, remember these morons reversed Roe vs. Wade.

These people give police full range to kill without being checked. These people send us to endless wars. These people won't protect our kids from mass shootings. These people will take away all your rights, keep you from healthcare, keep others from mental healthcare, and purposefully take away government funding knowing crime will go up.

They gerrymander maps to steal power. Folks, do I really need to go on? Because I could go forever. If you are too stupid to see the manipulation, then I don't know what to tell you.

No Universal Health Care

It's easy to do, and healthcare is now a racket. That's why a bottle of insulin in the USA costs hundreds of dollars, and in Canada, it's like 20 dollars. Healthcare is a greedy racket.

Mishandling of Coronavirus
Corrupt Police

Police are clearly out of control, killing unarmed children, beating, and killing handcuffed people. I don't care if your son is a cop. To ignore the ridiculousness and hypocrisy of the police and their faults is dangerous. We need to hold them to a higher standard, not lower.

You are human garbage if you blindly support out-of-control, dangerous cops. Period. Yes, we need cops, but we need honorable cops, and some are. But the system is out of control in a lot of jurisdictions. Additionally, prisons are run by private businesses, and laws are passed to bring in more people to imprison them.

Instead of doing that, we need to work on mental health, education, and wealth development in poor areas to prevent crime before it begins. Currently, we cut off government funding and housing, knowing it will increase crime. That's inhumane and sick, and so are the people that support it.


The majority of pollution is from combustion, carbon emissions, factories, vehicle emissions, ozone, and particle pollution.

Monsanto is poisoning our food, water, and the ground. Monsanto has always done this so Big Pharma can make money off of us. Cancer is not a disease. It's a business!

Insulting a Lot of Countries 
Policy Based on Emotions Rather Than Data

People really need to toughen up and focus on the things that actually matter. Stop voting for these loser Democrats that are ruining our society. You may not like the things Donald Trump says, but who cares. The country was doing way better under him, and everyone was safer.

Poor Leadership

Kenites are taking control. The USA has to stand up and pass laws for what's right instead of letting evil overcome. God is going to let it happen as long as we leave him out of the equation. There are people that laugh and say there is no God, but one day they'll know there is. USA, come together and do what's right!

Dems do nothing to fight back against Republican corruption. It's pathetic. All they do is cater to their donors, not public interest.

Cultural Marxism
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