Reasons Canada is Better Than the United States
I live in Canada, and it is FAR better than the USA. Here are my Ttp 10 reasons why Canada's better than USA.People from the USA need to come to Canada to get healthcare. Reasons why some Canadians need to go down their is because the States has better Doctors. Except they are only in it for the money. Canadians will live an average 3 years longer. USA is a very violent. I know this from the news on T.V.. And in Canada as a Canadian I look at news based on the USA and hear a tragic death struck a terrorist attack happen. Remember that shooting in Orlando at a bar? Yeah that happened in the USA. The worst part was that I am pretty sure they were Muslim. USA keeps on making terrorist jokes on them. The USA is violent and they seem to be addicted to war. Why? Why do Americans think they are so good when really the government starts war? Forced Canadians to join? If the USA goes to war with other countries it should not be Canada's problem. If the USA barges in a war it is not Canada's problem. The American government chose too. Not the Canadians.
The United States also has a MUCH larger population than Canada and has a higher tourism rate than Canada so what do you expect? Also, the US has immigrational problems with Mexican illegals so what do you honestly expect? Canada is lucky they don't have to deal with the problem. Guess everyone can't resist coming to the beat country in the world. But these are the reasons why Canada has less of a crime rate!
Our gun laws in Canada says that we're not allowed to use guns anywhere no matter the age. Then I here the a 4 year old got his moms gun and accidentally shot her near the chest. Now she's paying for hospital care and in court (this incident was 2015). As for us here in Canada, we only get rabid dogs that are taken under control by animal control.
The reason why Canada is cleaner is because the USA has a MUCH higher population and Tourism rate. Canada only has a few cities and it's bigger than the USA. There's States in the US that have a higher population that Canada so honestly what do you expect?
Depends on where you are, but in general it's probably true. Although I've heard cities like San Diego in California are almost trash free which is nice.
I have lived in Canada for 42 years, & it is the cleanest country in the world.
Canada has amazing exploring! Well we don't have Florida sun and coconut palm trees, we have exploring! You want to walk along rugged coastline? Well you can head to Vancouver island or Newfoundland for amazing rocky hikes that are breathtaking. Maybe you want soft coastline, well there are actually a handful of sandy beaches in Prince Edward Island and in the gulf islands of because. You like mountains? Well the Canadian Rockies are the best place to see them. Just head to Jasper or Banff or even do both, to see the amazing glory of Canada and our national animal the beaver!
Canada is only a little bigger than the USA, can't we just be good ol buddies? Because they are both in the NATO alliance and USA is Canada's only neighbor?
Genuinely kind and quiet. They do not bother others or intrude in their business. Very clean country. All the major cities blow NYC out of the water.
I have been here for 2 months. I have made friends with a Bulgarian, Chinese, Indian, African and of course many canadians. Everyone is very friendly
Canadians: We are one of the nicest people!
Also Canadians: Obnoxious American brats!
There are way too many Americans. There's always traffic. I love how there are Canadians, but not so much you wonder if you'll get to work sometime this century.
We might have to build a wall to keep these Donald Trump fleeing Americans out of our beautiful country!
I would love to move to Canada! Trump bought his presidential spot with the help of the Russians!
It's a shame that I'm from New York.
I am also a Canadian, and the Trailer Park Boys is just something to watch. It does not define our country. You don't have Spiderman or Captain America in real life, do you? I have live in Canada for 55 years and I have been to 80% of the country and I have not seen or heard of any rednecks. I was in New York CIty once and I saw a PACK of rednecks, drinking beer, drunk laughing, and throwing up.
We don't like to stir the pot. Why can't the world just get along? We try to help other countries that suffer from injustices.
Holy guacamole literally everywhere but the US and some place in Africa uses it, which to me speaks volumes about how superior it is (Sorry guys, but really! )
They will only win things in the NHL. Which is not even international. Most of the American based NHL teams are mostly rostered and capatined by Canadian NHL players. Take superstars like Crosby and Toews. They will only win in world juniors. Canada won the world juniors back on Jan. 5th getting gold Sweden silver and USA bronze. Look out USA Canada is coming to dominate you guys. We Canadians are sorry that we can't hear you over the sound of our gold medal. The USA will say: I'm sorry but who cares? Your Canada. Everyone expects you to win. Canada says: I'm sorry but who cares either? No one expects you guys to win anyway. So boom rosted.
Alright you've convinced me: I am moving to Canada.
The other vote here made me ashamed at modern American society. Also, statistically, Canadians are more educated than Americans. I'm not even Canadian and I know this.
We have the most educated however it doesn't mean the smartest people in the world. It just means we have more in the country that have a higher IQ than other ones.
I remember hearing that on average, Canadians are the most educated people in the world, but please note that more educated doesn't always mean more intelligent
Edmonton is infinitely more beautiful than Calgary. Calgary craves acceptance internationally, while Edmonton doesn't. Calgary's economy is in the toilet because it relies on oil and gas too much. Calgary has always been a me too city to Edmonton. Calgary is closer to the Rocky Mountains than Edmonton,but Banff and Lake Louise are littered with tourists. Jasper is the most scenic and beautiful mountain destination of them all in Alberta, and Edmonton is much closer than Calgary to Jasper. Jasper is Canada's sexiest secret.
That's not a big ass lie. It's been proven by the American government itself that Canada is safer. You guys are the ones with: sociopaths, psychopaths, bombers, and did you forget about 9/11? Meanwhile here, all we have are rabid dogs that are taken away by the police. France is safer than USA. Deal with it.
Well mabe that's because we don't need guns, it is not like we're scared of getting shot on the street.
Canada is way safer...
True! At least politicians are trying to help the country for its common good. The United states are only thinking about the allmighty dollar. Americans will always vote for the same rich capitalists who really don't care about them. Just look at racist greedy crazy Donald Trump and his billionaire staff!
True and Americans are just asses and they think there the best
Even fast food is better. I hear McDonalds in the US doesn't taste as fresh.
Yeah, we wern't ever attacked by terrorists and had NOTHING to do with 9/11. Plus, when people traveling to New York got stuck in the airport for 3 days, us Canadians took them inside our houses and let them sleep there.
There was an incident with ISIS at the Parliment Building in Ottawa. Only the perpetrator was killed, but we don't talk about that
It's a widely known traveller's tip for Americans, when you go to another country, wear a Canadian flag pin instead of an American one and you won't be scoffed at by the citizens.