Top Ten Best Things About Autumn

Fall, the leaves are changing color, apple picking, Halloween, thanksgiving, some apple pie, love it!
The Top Ten

Even though I'm not American, I must say I'm nevertheless a huge fan of this holiday. The concept of it is about being grateful for what you have (even if Black Friday ironically comes right after), and in addition to this, you get to enjoy an amazing meal with a number of foods, like the legendary turkey!

A holiday that's about family gathering. Great times are had during this holiday in fall. Nice meals and great family moments. And also the three football games played on this day.

Beautiful Scenery

The changing leaves look wonderful.

The Red, Orange, and Yellow Colored Leaves on Trees

The greenery of summer is amazing too, but there's just something so special and soothing about seeing the forests in an orange hue. It gives off a different feeling from the green summer forests, and it's equally as special and stunning. It's even better when the leaves are red.

The leaves are very beautiful in fall. The vibrant orange, red, and yellow colors are simply stunning. In early childhood, jumping in piles of leaves was a joy, wasn't it?

I love how the trees turn red, orange, and yellow. It makes the fields of trees I can see in the distance out my window look so beautiful.


Even though I celebrate it completely differently than most people and Americans do, I find my way better because of logic. However, carving pumpkins is really satisfying and feels fulfilling, and it's even better when you're eating perhaps a fresh pumpkin pie. I don't understand the trick-or-treat and scary part of this holiday, but carving pumpkins and eating pies is amazing!

Halloween is a pretty fun holiday if you're still in your early years. It's all about trick-or-treating, getting candy, and attending Halloween costume parties with friends. And also, for some reason, bobbing for apples.

Everything is Calm
Cool Weather

The temperature during autumn is absolutely amazing, especially if you live in the right areas. In contrast to the radical extremes during winter and summer, autumn is a breeze, with its slightly cold but incredibly comfortable temperature. I prefer it far more than spring because, in the latter, there's a semi-warm feel to it that can make your head feel too light. This one is the winner.

As long as it isn't raining, the weather in autumn is amazing, thanks to the moderate temperature and slight breezes. Even when it is raining, it's incredibly comfortable if you're inside watching it from there.

Election Day

Pumpkins can be used for many things: Jack-o'-lanterns, carving, pumpkin pie, and much more. Pumpkins are usually grown in fall and are used for various purposes.

Pumpkin pie, pumpkin decorations, pumpkin scent.

I love carving pumpkins! I also love pumpkin pie.


Apple pie is my all-time favorite! I go apple picking with my cousins, then go home and make an apple pie. My grandma makes a really great one. I also love applesauce!

Crunchy Sound Leaves Make

Who doesn't love the sound of crunchy leaves? I remember playing in leaf piles when I was really young, and that combined with the orange colors makes it even better.

The Newcomers

? Rain

Although it does rain in other seasons as well (at least where I live), fall is usually when it starts to rain, and I love the rain.

? Concerts

I'm going to see My Chemical Romance this October after waiting two years due to the pandemic to see them perform live.

The Contenders
Gets Dark Earlier

This is both good and bad, but good because it creates an incredibly comfortable feeling of safety and warmth if you have a house. Just imagine yourself eating a nice dinner with candles while it's pitch black outside. It feels great, doesn't it?


Meeting new people and learning new things.


During fall, hoodies and sweaters are very common to wear, and they are very comfortable. Wearing cozy clothes during fall is the best.

You can wear comfy sweaters in fall without needing heavy coats.

Raking Leaves and Jumping Into Piles

I still enjoy that, to be honest.

It Makes You Cozy
The Fresh Air

The air smells much better during autumn than in any other season. In summer, it's a bit too warm. In winter, it hurts because of how cold it is. And during spring, it makes your head feel light and "weirdish." Autumn air has the perfect combination of crispiness - it's not too cold and just feels fresh overall.

The air in fall is so refreshing. It's not humid or thin at all - just perfect and feels great to breathe in.

Hot Chocolate

Even though it's more common in winter, this is where it all starts. Near the end of November, it starts to get colder, so this is when hot chocolate becomes more common to drink to keep yourself warm.

New Seasons of TV Shows
Pumpkin Spice Lattes

Hiking during the fall is a great time, in my opinion. In summer, it's very hot and humid, which causes you to sweat. During winter, it's too cold, and you'll wear big things like coats and jackets. But in fall, it will be a beautiful sight with very colorful leaves and great weather.

Seeing Your Friends at School Again

It's always nice to see your friends again. Hopefully.

Going Camping
Shopping for New School Clothes
Sports Seasons are Starting

As a Chicago Bears fan, I enjoy football season. I know some people don't, which I totally understand, but many people enjoy watching football. That means many people look forward to the start of the season.

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