Top Ten Best Things About Spring

Spring is one if the most popular seasons, and it's because of EASTER! Oh yeah!
The Top Ten
The Flowers

You know what they say, "April showers bring May flowers," and they certainly do. The flowers in May are beautiful. After a lot of rain from April, the flowers start to bloom, and it really is a great sight.

Isn't it nice to see beautiful colorful flowers instead of snow and ice?

Spring is a beautiful season. Everything comes to life.

The Rain And Green Grass

I know it can be gloomy, but I'm talking about the light rain, like small drizzling on a sunny day. It's always nice to feel a small drizzle on you once in a while.

The rain is so nice, and it makes the green grass grow. There is green grass in the Spring and Summer here in New Mexico! It's really nice!


Who doesn't love getting visits from the Easter bunny and waking up to candy in baskets and hard-boiled eggs?

Basically, the main thing about Spring. It is the best thing to do during that season!

The Animals Wake Up After Hibernation

On March 20th, the bears, skunks, and squirrels wake up, and it is really neat!

The Nature

Kind of similar to a lot of items on this list, but am I wrong? All the animals are thriving, flowers are blooming, and the grass is getting greener while the trees regain their leaves. Nature can really be beautiful sometimes.


During spring, a lot of fruits start to grow because of the April showers. Everyone loves fruit since they have a lot of flavor and can be juicy, or not, if they don't prefer it.

Bright Vibrant Colors

Winter is a pretty dead season. Once it gets deeper, the trees start to lose their color and the grass isn't green anymore. But spring brings all the color back, showing very green grass and tree leaves starting to come back.

The Trees Start To Grow

In spring, the cold is gone and the trees are back!

Mother’s Day

Everyone loves spending time with their mom, and it would be even better on this special day.

Birds Come Back

Ahh, waking up to the sound of chirping birds instead of waking up to falling snow and car accidents.

They leave the south and come back to the city.

The Newcomers

? Going Outside More Often
? Hiking

It can be hot, but who doesn't like a nice hike in a very green area? It would also be a beautiful sight when you reach the top and see the forest from beneath you.

The Contenders
It's Almost Summer

Oh, come on, don't act like you don't LOVE summer.


Spring is coming right off winter, which is very cold, especially here in Chicago. It just feels good to finally feel warm, go outside, and not be cooped up in your home because it's freezing cold outside.

Isn't it nice to finally stop having goosebumps from the first step you take outside? Isn't it nice to breathe the warm, fresh air and not the freezing cold air? I think so.

Wearing Less Clothing

Ahh, saving time from bundling up in bulky coats and puffy pants. Finally getting to show some skin and feel the nice spring breeze against your bare skin.

Spring Break

So Yanks, why do you hate school when you have that, while other people have half term in Easter?

Who doesn't like a nice break from school and work to enjoy some fun in the sun?

Aroma of Grass

Ah, don't you just love the smell of fresh cut green grass, especially in the morning?

Spring Cleaning

I know, I know, cleaning isn't fun. But when you're all done the house is clean and in ship shape.

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