Top 10 Worst Properties of Matter to Have an Infinite Amount Of
Whether these properties are fundamental or derived, having an infinite amount of them would not be good. This list explains why.Imagine consuming an infinite amount of matter. You'd never be able to lose that weight because you'd become a black hole, assuming you occupy finite space. So, you're about to swallow the universe. Plus, you would be unable to change your state of motion unless you could apply infinite force.
When black holes were first conceived by the scientific community, they felt really uncomfortable about it. They couldn't digest the idea of a possible singularity. The fact that bodies with infinite densities really exist makes this the worst property of matter.
Infinite charge, whether positive or negative, would attract everything in the universe of the opposite charge and repel all of the same charge, as well as pull in anything neutrally charged. You'd essentially be ripping atoms apart and obliterating most weak interactions before becoming very, very heavy from all that you're pulling in.
While energy and power are not the same thing, if one is infinite, the other will be too, and vice versa. Infinite energy or power might sound useful at first, but there's also the issue of this causing infinite transfers of energy to anything that interacts with it, plus the infinite compression of the spacetime continuum. Boom.
Infinite energy would vaporize anything.
Scientifically impossible, but an infinite temperature would not only destroy the structure of non-fundamental particles, it would also contain infinite energy in finite space. When a finite temperature is enough to form a black hole in a given space, it prevents this temperature from escaping past the event horizon. Thus, this temperature would only exist beyond that point. Ignoring radiation, this temperature would only be experienced after entering the black hole.
I don't know if Hawking radiation will ever be proven experimentally, but if it is, then there is absolutely no chance of achieving infinite temperature.
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Again, scientifically impossible, as we all know. However, if you were traveling at infinite velocity, you would be bending spacetime beyond all measure. You would be covering infinite distances in literally no time, even before you set off. As you progress, even the longest wavelengths directed towards you would be blueshifted to a Planck length in wavelength, resulting in an excess of 12 gigajoules of energy transferred for each photon directed at you. It would be extremely painful.
Infinite velocity would result in an infinite blueshift of radiation, leading to infinite temperature.
Being subject to an infinite force raises a classic paradox known as the irresistible force paradox. The question is: "Can God make a stone so heavy that not even God can move it?" Well, no such thing exists. Otherwise, objects with mass would be able to break the light barrier. Relativity states that one object can always move relative to another. Additionally, a force of infinite magnitude would transfer infinite energy, so anything finite experiencing it wouldn't fare well.
An infinite amount of disorder in matter would mean that confining this in finite space would result in a black hole consuming everything in the universe. Beyond that, this would also violate the second law of thermodynamics. Additionally, any finite vector applied to this system would be canceled by the infinite spread of all values.
Any current you attempt to apply to this material would be stopped by infinite resistance. Boom.
Any fluid with infinite viscosity would behave like a firm solid. Not only would you be unable to breathe the air around you, but the pressure exerted by it would also crush everything in its path. The fluids within your body would stop, suffocating your insides on the spot. It would also have infinite surface tension, resulting in infinite friction.
Being under infinite pressure would result in two possibilities: either infinite force is applied, meaning that infinite energy would be as well, or your surface area is zero. It's unfeasible either way.