Top 10 Things that Smell Good Yet Taste Awful
These items are not only limited to food and drinks, but to objects that have a pleasant scent. Note: don't actually try consuming one of these objects at home.I don't drink coffee, and many people consider that weird. I like drinking flavored coffees, like cookie-flavored or vanilla ones.
Admit it, we've all been deceived by its pleasant smell, thinking that it's sweet, only to taste its bitterness. Believe it or not, some types of coffee are an acquired taste.
It tastes fine if cream is added to it, but by itself, it's bitter despite the pleasant scent.
Do you ever have this feeling that every time you bake, you have a strong urge to drink a cup of vanilla extract after popping off the cap?
Smells excellent. Can't say I like the taste, though.
Candles are typically sold with very pleasant scents. Most of us have never tried eating the waxy part of the candle (and never will, anyway), but mostly we assume it's just as bitter as soap.
How is this not higher? At least coffee is edible.
Certain teas, I'll give you that. Remember that time when the aroma of tea delightfully struck your nose, encouraging you to taste it, only to be disappointed once you found out its actual flavor?
If you imagine the smell of the color green, you'd typically associate it with grass. Freshly cut grass generally smells pleasant, but it tastes as it smells: more of a bland scent rather than awful, unless you're a cow.
Fruits usually have a citrus smell (wow, what a revelation), and taste sweet, but not lemons.
I dislike the smell but don't mind the taste!
Practically the same as soap, just with more varieties of pleasant smells.
Some scents of soap can smell pleasant, but nobody wants to taste their bitter side.
Though not meant to be eaten, most flowers are supposed to smell good. Surprisingly, some flowers are edible and make a good addition to salads.
Perfumes smell good and seem like heaven, but they taste like hell. Perfumes are not meant to be consumed as a drink.
The Newcomers
You know it smells good, but you realize the benzene in it is a carcinogen.
Much like soap, it leaves a powdery to chalky texture in your mouth, with a bitter undertone.
Some drinks have an acquired taste.
It depends on the scent of the lotion, but I can assure you that some scents smell pretty good.