Things You Do That You Would Never Admit To
No sex-related or x-rated items, please - items that fall in that category will not be added to the list...Yes, that is going to make the person hate you when you admit you like them.
One time at lunch, my friend Sydney dropped a half-eaten Oreo on the floor, and before she could pick it up, I ate it.
I dropped a Mike and Ike on the patio, then ate it 2 minutes later. I'm fine!
I do that all the time, and I don't care either!
Obviously. You don't need to be a detective to know when I lie. I'm a terrible liar.
For some reason, I am a master liar. Not that I do it a lot, but I'm really good at it.
I am the worst liar of all time. A beetle can figure out if I lied.
Not exactly "afraid," more like I can only doggie-paddle. I try to avoid swimming because of how terrible I am at it. I'm a worse swimmer than liar, which is saying a lot.
I'm not really afraid to dive into a pool and swim. All that scares me is if I lose my shorts.
Must admit, the sea scares me, and if I ever got a cramp while swimming, then I'd pretty much be owned.
I did it a lot when I was in 5th and 6th grade (US schooling, so I was about 10-12 years old). I once had a cut on my finger from carving pumpkins with butcher knives (that one was not my idea), and I was a little stressed too, so I ended up sucking/biting my thumb. That was the start of a "weird" habit. I still do that, and I'll be going into 9th grade soon.
Well, I didn't consume it like a vampire, but it kind of is my natural reaction to suck on the cut.
Oh my gosh, I felt so guilty I thought it. I was like, "what's wrong with me?" but I guess others do it too.
The only reason people hide their sexuality is because, in many places, they could be killed. Before you ask, yes, I am gay., I'm not. My compass is towards girls.
Well, yes, but I didn't want it. My sister just refused to call me by my name since I was a newborn.
In more than one sense, yes, I'm broke. Actually, in the financial sense, I'm anything but broke, but my parents never trusted me with my own bank account, so it only looks like I have two dollars.
My whole family does this, not just me!
I like pop rock, but not pop. Two very different things.
I feel confident in the shower. I feel as if I'm prettier with my hair wet (which other people have said to me, to be honest). I feel like less of a "slob" (hormones are wack, and I get judged for that). I feel like I can love myself in general.
Late in the morning, late at night, it doesn't even matter what time it is.
I'd never admit when I'm crying. I'd never cry in a public place. I'm just too embarrassed.
You know what I mean - making photocopies of your tax return at work, or creating your birthday party invitations on your work computer and making copies of the invitation on their copy machine.
My friend keeps picking up spiders at school. It creeps me out. One stayed on his arm all day. *Shudders*
Oh my gosh, I am so freaked out by spiders. I'll even freak out if there's a little, tiny, baby one.
Honestly, you cannot understand why so many people seem to think this is so excessive, so you only do it when you are home alone.