Top Ten Random Questions

The Top Ten
1 Why is Nightcore associated with anime?

Nightcore was originally a Norwegian music duo who released sped up versions of Trance and Eurodance songs. One of their songs "Rockefeller Street" went viral and became an internet meme. A popular user on YT then posted a nightcore version of their song and people started uploading nightcore versions too. It also became popular in the anime community possibly because the nightcore music sounded like an anime character with the high pitched voice. Anime characters are even used as thumbnails for nightcore songs because of what the creator thinks fits the character.

2 Why is sex a taboo topic?
3 Why does everyone hate on bronies but not pegasisters?
4 Why are weeaboos called that?
5 Where's Waldo?
6 Why is autism used as an insult so much?
7 Why are they milking so many Disney Movies?
8 Why is Taylor Swift so popular?
9 Why does everyone hate Sonic 06 so much?
10 Are aliens and angels the same thing?
The Contenders
11 How the hell does Donald trump have followers?
12 How the hell does Joe Biden still have supporters?
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