Top 10 Beastars Characters

Beastars (stylised as BEASTARS) is a manga and anime series created by Paru Itagaki based on anthropomorphic animals as high school students. The series focuses on a cultural divide between herbivores and carnivores. The plot started when Tem, an alpaca, was murdered and eaten by a fellow student.

The main character is Legoshi (alternatively spelt Legosi), a grey wolf in his second year of high school. The series takes its name from a rank in the series, Beastar, which is a prestigious rank that requires great notoriety.
The Top Ten
Legoshi Legoshi, also referred to as Legosi (Japanese: レゴシ, Regoshi), is a male gray wolf and the main protagonist of the Japanese manga and anime series, "Beastars". This series is written and illustrated by Paru Itagaki... read more

Legoshi (alternatively spelled Legosi) is the protagonist of Beastars. He is a gray wolf and a second-year student at Cherryton High School.

He develops a crush on Haru, a third-year rabbit student.


Bill is a Bengal tiger student at Cherryton High. He was an antagonist during the first arc of the story and later became a side character.

He is an outgoing, extroverted, and confident student. He is the best friend of Aoba.


I mean, I don't like or hate Riz, but seriously, bro, tell me how he is so popular. Like, what the heck?


Jack, a Labrador Retriever, has been Legoshi's closest friend since childhood. He supports Legoshi throughout his life.

Chief Lion

Seriously, how is Chief Lion more popular than Louis?


Haru (also incorrectly transliterated as Hal) is a third-year rabbit student. Due to being a white dwarf rabbit, she is treated as fragile by society.

She is often bullied by fellow students, mostly by the Harlequin rabbit Mizuchi.


Juno is a first-year gray wolf student. She fell in love with Legoshi at first sight. She is a charismatic character and is known for her kindness.

She can be possessive at times, especially when in love with Legoshi. For example, she showed a different side of herself when she intimidated Louis.


The Newcomers

? Gosha
The Contenders

Gohin is a 39-year-old giant panda who works as a therapist for carnivores. He has a strict personality and isn't afraid to call others out.

However, he also has a sense of humor and is very reasonable.


Aoba is a second-year bald eagle student and a good friend of Legoshi. He is very intelligent and calm and likes to maintain harmony between his friends.


Louis, a red deer, is a third-year student who aspires to become the next Beastar. He values strength and dominance and looks down on those who don't.

He is the star actor of the Cherryton Drama Club. Despite being arrogant at times, he often treats others with kindness.


Els is an Angora goat student. She is very cautious around carnivores and grabbed a pair of scissors when Legoshi approached her.

She was the secret love interest of Tem, an alpaca who was murdered.


Voss is a minor character. He is a second-year fennec fox student who lives in the same dorm as Legoshi, Jack, and Aoba. Being only 1'4", he likes to be carried by his roommates.

Not much is known about his personality.

Mizuchi's Boyfriend
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