Top 10 Manga that Need a Better Anime Adaptation
Let's say for fun that a studio wanted to remake an anime and make it more like the manga. Which anime do you think should have had a better manga adaptation? Keep in mind what I'm going to say below is my opinion and you're free to add in your own.
I have no outright hatred against Tokyo Ghoul, nor have I actually watched it yet, but I can see that both fans and detractors alike were dismayed by Root A's drop in production value and story. Seeing as the Tokyo Ghoul manga came out after the Parasyte manga and the Tokyo Ghoul anime adaptation by Studio Pierrot came before Parasyte got an anime adaptation by Madhouse, my best suggestion is that upcoming anime seasons and content for Tokyo Ghoul should try to be more consistent with its animation and more faithful to its source material like Parasyte did.

The manga is way better than the anime. The animation was nice, but it wasn't nearly as uncut as the manga.
It could have been so much better.

The 1997 adaptation was honestly pretty flawed, but it worked and was good enough. The Golden Age arc was pretty good as well.
The 2016 version is garbage, though. The CGI is so bad it looks like PS1 graphics. Berserk's manga is extremely detailed, so it's not easy to adapt, but surely more effort could have been put into it. That's why I gave the movies and the 1997 series a pass.
All of Berserk's anime are very flawed, but the 1997 one is honestly not bad and did its best at that time. The reboots are absolutely trash, though, and look like they were animated with PS1 graphics.
To be honest, the manga's art is ridiculously detailed, so nailing Berserk is going to be an extremely difficult job. That's why I give the 1997 version a pass.

I agree with Black Butler fans that the manga is way better than the anime. The second season was just ridiculous and wasn't nearly as good as the first season.

No. Nein. Nyet. I couldn't disagree more. The anime is faithful to the canon parts. The fights and other scenes are wonderfully augmented. By comparison, the manga versions seem edited. I like the fillers and flashbacks, giving me more from the characters. The drawings in the anime are superior to those in the manga.
Kishimoto was still writing this while the anime was coming out, and Naruto was making so much money. They added unnecessary filler and flashbacks that dragged the story down. The manga was better written, and sometimes the animation in Naruto sucked.

The manga ending was a lot more satisfying than what the anime gave us. At least the former didn't cop out with Maka simply defeating Asura with a punch to the face. I understand and praise that it was trying to send a message about bravery, but I felt like they could have done it better. To quote a line from Angry Beavers, where in the name of deus ex machina did that one punch come from?
Plus, I didn't really like Soul Eater Not! since it paled compared to the original Soul Eater and really came off as a cheap cash grab. A reboot would be something to look forward to, though it would have to spark high interest with fans again to become a reality. And please, NO LIVE-ACTION ADAPTATIONS.

Everything about the manga is amazing: the storytelling, the character development, and the progression to the final battle. The main character goes from being a weak frail human to a badass full-blood Shinso vampire. The anime lacked anything that held a candle to what the manga had going for it. It's not an adaptation. It's a nameMake at best, and that is being friendly.
I really didn't like this anime, but the manga had more effort put into it. I think it deserves a second chance.
Rosario + Vampire's second manga was really awesome.

I can't say that I've ever seen anything from this aside from the 4Kids anime. I honestly thought that it was good as a standalone, but as far as what it did that differed from the Japanese anime, let alone the manga itself, I can't say.
Eh, there was really one thing that butchered how people perceived this anime. And it starts with the number 4 and ends with the demographic that it was cheaply trying to appeal to.
The manga was much darker and more mature. The anime tried to go the more kid-friendly route, and it didn't always work out great.

I really wish that the One Piece anime could have been seasonal as opposed to weekly. The anime suffers from painfully slow pacing, particularly in the Dressrosa and Wano arcs. Also, they only needed to show the Rebecca flashback once, not 48 times.
The manga is awesome, and the anime is okay.

This anime was just mediocre and really didn't end. I read the manga, and I have to say it didn't hold up at all to its predecessor.
The Newcomers

Season 1 and 2 are not bad, but season 3 really decided to use MS Paint to animate.

The anime would've actually been good if it adapted more of the manga, had less fanservice, and had more fight scenes.

Yeah. While I don't hate the anime adaptation, a lot of executive issues and other factors brought down its series duration. The anime only adapted a few arcs up to the Scar Chain arc. It could have continued from there, progressed into the Forgeries arc, and finished with the Return to Deadman Wonderland arc, like the manga. Unfortunately, the anime did poorly in its native country in terms of ratings and only gained momentum in the West when it premiered on Toonami during its revival.
Only 12 episodes were produced, ending the story on a cliffhanger. To make matters worse, Manglobe, the studio that animated Deadman Wonderland and Samurai Champloo, filed for bankruptcy years ago and shut down. Hopefully, if it ever sparks interest with fans again, it can gain a much better adaptation that either continues where it left off or reboots the entire plot to be more faithful to its original manga source material with a good animation studio. Madhouse or Bones could be likely contenders for a rebooted adaptation (maybe even get Ufotable to adapt it?).

This anime was made BEFORE the manga ended, so it has an original ending that wasn't in the manga. If the anime adaptation for The Case Study of Vanitas (both made by the same mangaka) ends up successful, we could potentially see a remake and/or sequel of Pandora Hearts in the future.
Pandora Hearts is beautiful, and I'd love to see a TV show based on this manga with better pacing.

I think it would benefit from Clefairy being the main character's starter instead of Pikachu.
I also think that there should be an anime based on Pokémon Adventures because it is an amazing series that deserves an anime adaptation.
Pokemon, we meet again. The first Pokemon manga I ever read was Ginji's Rescue Team. That was the day I had to see more. I was disappointed when the main character wasn't Ginji!
While it was made after the anime, I would love to see a Pokemon Adventures manga adaptation.

I'm surprised TPN is this low down. TPN Season 1 is probably my favorite anime I've watched so far, but Season 2 was terrible. It left out characters from the manga who were influential to Emma's character development, such as Lucas, Yugo, and the kids at Goldy Pond. The children didn't really have much time to grow, and the finale overall was just anticlimactic. I highly recommend reading the manga after finishing Season 1, and I hope one day TPN will get the adaptation it deserves!
Season 1 is pretty solid and very faithful. So, what's the problem? Just that season 2 was actual garbage.
They crammed 135 chapters into barely 12 episodes from what I heard. I haven't read the manga, but it seems very rushed, and my friend told me this.

The manga is so much better!
The anime has some stretched moments at times and can be pretty boring. Not only that, the characters are much better in the manga. In the anime, most characters are unlikeable, while in the manga, they actually show more of their good side. The only thing I dislike about the manga are the early chapters, which are just Ika Musume getting punished. But at least they are shorter than in the anime. Thank God.
The anime skipped a good amount of chapters.

They should have waited for the manga to catch up rather than rush in and give the anime a rushed original ending.
The manga was way better, and the anime also ended terribly.

The anime was great, but I wish there was a third season to adapt the rest of the manga.

Out of all the adaptations, Gantz is probably the most butchered anime I've ever watched. The anime's art is complete garbage, the frame rate is horrendous, and the characters are much more unlikeable (especially Kurono and Kishimoto). They also erased his character's development. Every panel in the manga is far superior to the anime, especially since the art is ultra-detailed and almost on par with Berserk. But unlike the latter, the animators barely put in any effort, and that's why almost everything in the show looks sloppy.

The "rotoscoping" art for the anime is an absolute atrocity, and it got cut off before getting to the best part of the story. Please read the manga instead.
The animation for this anime was so unappealing.
I've read the manga and liked it, and I've heard that people hate the anime and that it left out a lot of characters.

Don't get me wrong, I loved the anime when I was first watching it, but then I read the manga shortly after and oh my gosh, the manga is so good. Better than the anime. Now that I've read nearly all of the content that happens after where the anime stopped (which is a lot), I find the anime to be very underwhelming. Although I thought its ending was underwhelming long before I started reading the manga.
The anime was good, but the manga was much better.