Top 10 Differences Between the Lord of the Rings Books and Films

I've recently finished reading The Lord of the Rings trilogy. (I first watched the films many years ago.) I've used the films as the original source because it's more likely you've seen them than read the books.

I feel like such a nerd after finishing this list!
The Top Ten
Frodo is much braver in the books

I have the utmost respect for Frodo in both the books and films, considering the perils he faced on his journey. But in the books, he shows more courage in the face of danger.

Saruman is not truly defeated at Isengard in the The Two Towers book and returns at the end of The Return of the King book to take over the Shire

I still haven't gotten this far in the book. I get about halfway into Return of the King and I stop reading because I don't want the story to end!

The Battle of Bywater is integral to the plot! The characters' arcs are unfinished in the film.

It was really something new for me when I read the books for the first time.

Frodo does not abandon Sam on the Stairs of Cirith Ungol in the books

Frodo still gets paralyzed by Shelob, but in the books, Sam is held back and strangled by Gollum in Shelob's lair, so he can't warn Frodo.

Shelob is encountered in the middle of The Return of the King film, instead of at the end of The Two Towers, as in the book

The story flows better in the book. Frodo is captured by the orcs is a much better cliffhanger than they're going back to where they were at the beginning because Faramir dragged them back to Osgiliath for some reason.

The reason for this was because Frodo and Sam wouldn't have much to do in the final film otherwise.

The time between Bilbo's 111th birthday and Frodo leaving the Shire is much shorter in the films

It isn't a month in the films. It's an entire year. Still shorter than 17 years, I'll give you that.

Only about a month or so. In the books, it is 17 years.

There is less mention of enemy leaders in the books

For example, Lurtz doesn't exist in the books, and Gothmog is only mentioned once.

Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin are the same age in the films

Who says they were the same age in the films? Oldest to youngest: Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin. Funny thing, Elijah Wood was the youngest actor to play a hobbit, and Billy Boyd was the oldest - the opposite of their characters, lol.

In the books, they are 50, 38, 36, and 28, respectively.

Tom Bombadil is not in the movies

Peter Jackson stated that this decision was the most difficult to make.

This should be number one, folks.

The species of Shagrat and Gorbag are reversed

These are the Orcs that discovered Frodo after he was paralyzed by Shelob. Gorbag was an Orc and Shagrat was a Uruk in the books. In the films, it was the other way around. However, the roles remained the same.

Boromir dies at the end of the first film but dies at the beginning of the second book

Definitely better that they changed it to be at the end of the first film.

Still, 3rd best quote in The Lord of The Rings. One does not simply walk into Mordor.

The Newcomers

? Haldir dies in The Two Towers film
? In the movies, the Elves of Lothlórien participate in the Battle of the Hornburg
The Contenders
The Witch-king is aware that Éowyn is female in The Return of the King book

I am only voting to say that I do not understand this "difference." In the book, he didn't know she was female until she said so, just like in the movie. The scenes are not different except for Eowyn's wording of the sentence!

In the film, it does the feminist thing of having the Witch King say, "No man can kill me." Eowyn then says, "I am no man!" She takes off her helmet and stabs him in the face. Always works.

The Eye of Sauron is not literally an eye in the books

We associate Sauron with the big, fiery eye we see in the Jackson films, but in the books, it's not literally an eye. It's a metaphor for Sauron's immense presence and far-reaching grasp across Middle-earth.

I don't actually want to vote for this, but I'm pretty sure when Peter Jackson was reading the book, he thought it was an actual eye. Wild imagination, that is.

Sauron is more interesting without his physical form appearing.

The warg battle does not appear in the books

One of the more memorable scenes from The Two Towers is where our heroes fight off Orcs on Wargs, with the battle nearly killing Aragorn when he topples over a cliff into a river. None of this actually happens in the books. In fact, Aragorn is never forcefully separated from the group.

Frodo doesn't push Gollum into Mount Doom

In the book, after Gollum bites off Frodo's finger and gets the ring, he becomes so overexcited that he accidentally leans off the cliff and into the volcano. The filmmakers changed it to Frodo pushing Gollum instead because they thought Gollum just leaning over was anticlimactic.

Denethor is a cool and interesting character in the book

In the book, he doesn't say that he wishes Faramir were dead. He only says that he wishes Boromir were in Ithilien instead of Faramir. He also doesn't eat tomatoes sloppily - he would never do that.

Book Aragorn isn't wishy-washy about wanting to be king

I like that he's more confident in the book. Aragorn in the films is too angsty about being king.

In the books, the Battle of Helm's Deep is actually called the Battle of the Hornburg and is much bigger

The Battle of Helm's Deep is actually called The Battle of the Hornburg in the books. Another difference is that in the film, there are only 300 men fighting for Rohan, but at the last second, they're aided by a group of elves. In the book, however, there are around 2,000 Rohan soldiers who are able to withstand the assault with the elves' help.

In both versions, they face well over 10,000 Orcs from Isengard, making it an impressive victory either way.

In the book, Merry is the most sensible and competent of the hobbits

He knew about the ring since he was a teenager, and he organized a conspiracy to make sure Frodo didn't leave all alone.

He's much stronger and smarter in the books. I don't get why they made him as he is in the movies.

We don't learn the history of the Dúnedain in the films

Though Aragorn is identified as a ranger in the films, we don't learn about their history or the fact that Aragorn is part of the Dúnedain, an ancient race of men, many of whom become rangers of the north. They played an important role in protecting the north from the forces of evil.

Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we didn't get to see any of this in the movies.

Gandalf doesn't hang onto the cliff after being hit by the Balrog's whip

In the book, when Gandalf is facing the Balrog, the Balrog uses its whip to drag him down with him. In the film, he gets hit by the Balrog's whip but suddenly hangs onto the cliff before falling and facing the Balrog.

The moth that advises Gandalf of the arrival of the Eagles doesn't exist in the books
Elves are more interesting in the book

Meaning they have more than one emotion. Elves are not Vulcans!

The Council of Elrond was longer in the books
Arwen rescues Frodo instead of Glorfindel

No doubt, Glorfindel is a really cool character in the first book. But it's so nice that they gave Arwen something useful to do instead of sitting around, looking pretty, and being Aragorn's trophy wife.

I also think it makes more sense to have a character who will be in all the films be the one to rescue him.

Fatty Bolger is not in the movies

We all know the famous gang of Hobbits: Frodo, Sam, Merry, and Pippin. What you may not know is that there was supposed to be a fifth Hobbit named Fredegar "Fatty" Bolger in the gang. He only makes a fleeting appearance in the extended edition of The Fellowship of the Ring.

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