Top 10 Most Terrifying Lord of the Rings Characters
Imagine wandering through Middle-earth and suddenly coming face to face with a being that chills you to the core. Maybe it's a dark shadow that looms larger than life, a creature whose very presence reeks of malice, or a seemingly kind figure whose power hints at something far more dangerous.Middle-earth is home to some of the most frightening beings ever brought to life in literature and film, and this list is dedicated to them. These are the characters who would stop you in your tracks, leave you trembling, or send you running in the opposite direction if you encountered them.

Just everything he has done. And the ring, when you put it on. The scene where he defeats Gandalf in The Desolation of Smaug. Gandalf: "Where is your master?"
Azog: "He is everywhere. We are legion!"
That gave me chills. The scene where Glorfindel banishes him. The combination of how long it took someone as powerful as her to banish him and the way he moved when she was banishing him. Creepy.
The effects of the ring when you put it on. Sauron to Frodo, "I see you." That scared me half to death. Also, if that's not enough, search YouTube for: Necromancer/Sauron theme. It's the first one that appears. It's long, but listen to it all. It's horrifying.

Oh gosh, this abomination crawled out of my nightmares to haunt me!
As an arachnophobic, Shelob absolutely terrifies me. I'm really glad I wasn't in Frodo or Sam's place.

It looks like Lucifer himself!
Imagine a cow but 10 times bigger, who turned into a demon on steroids. That's the Balrog.
It might be kinda scary, but you have to admit it's also a pretty badass creature.

Unlike Sauron, this guy actually gets up and does something.
He is not scary, besides that he can't die. He is a beast.
Pretty scary. I like the dragon he rides.

When I saw the Battle of the Five Armies at 6 years of age, I was crying when I saw Galadriel. That woman freaks me out.
- Opal_the_siamese
I totally hate her, and she's so scary. No offense to Cate Blanchett, though, I really like her. But I feel sorry for her - she got the worst part in all of The Lord of the Rings.
I am pretty sure Cate Blanchett only plays creepy people.

It's gotta be hard to make a creepy but pitiable character. Kudos to everyone involved with making movie Gollum/Smeagol who he is.
Creepiest character I've ever seen. The ones that didn't creep out the first time they saw him have really brave hearts.

Morgoth could probably look at any modern western villain and say, "That's cute."
Guy makes Smaug look like a pansy and Shelob like a box of kittens.
He's the best villain of the entire Tolkien universe, but he's not from LOTR. He's from The Silmarillion.
Books only, not the movies.
Sauron's boss during the First Age.

I suppose he's not too scary. But you wouldn't want to make him angry!

He's the creepiest LOTR character ever. Just look at those yellow teeth. That's so gross. And his voice is so evil.
He should be number 1! He's a dentist's nightmare.
I can't get over how dirty his teeth are.
The Newcomers
I just find them, you know...a bit freaky. You wouldn't want to mess with them.
Just imagine Shelob, but bigger and creepier and spewing darkness. She has an everlasting hunger and went toe to toe with Morgoth, for crying out loud.
Scary to think of witnessing her.
Queen of all spiders, and grandmother to Shelob, but three times larger.
Balrogs were created to fight her, but it took several Balrogs just to get a tie in the fight.
She devoured herself. Just think about that. And she was able to overwhelm Morgoth if it wasn't for the Balrogs.

Benedict Cumberbatch nailed the voice acting, and everybody else nailed the size and scale.
Oh, and the details too.
Smaug, the last great dragon, took down many dwarven armies in The Hobbit from J. R. R. Tolkien's novel The Hobbit.
Being trapped in a place with wraith-like creatures? No thank you.
Never forgot the first time I watched The Fellowship of the Ring. Bilbo jumpscare.
Anyone remember the Bilbo jumpscare? I know that I'll never forget it.

Eru help you if you get between him and a Silmaril. This guy killed his own kin to get them back!

Books only, not the movies.
Intended by Tolkien to be something like "God's little brother" and more powerful than anyone, even Sauron. However, he did not care about anything or anyone else and did not get involved.