Top 10 Moments from Brave (2012)

The Top Ten
1 Merida Shoots for Her Own Hand
2 Bear Fight

After Merida saves her mother from the others Mo'rdu arrives and attacks the clan warriors and targets Merida before Elinor jumps in and the two fight with one another.

3 The Lords Fight Scene
4 Merida Rides Through the Forest Shooting Her Arrows

After finally having a day where she dosne't have to try to act like a proper princess Merida rushes down the stable and rides on her horse as she freely roams the forest while firing arrows with her bow at the targets.

I loved this scene

5 Elinor Turns Into a Bear

Merida gives the cake she got from the witch to her mother in hopes it will change her fate however things don't go the way she was expecting it to as Elinor transforms into a bear to Merida's shock and surprise.

6 Merida Stops Her Father from Killing Her Mother
7 Elinor Takes Away Merida's Bow and Tosses it The Fire
8 I'll Never Be Like You
9 Merida Meets The Witch

After running away from her mother Merida comes across the wisps that lead her to the cottage of a witch who she asks for a spell to change her fate the old woman hesitates at first but agrees to help her and gives her an enchanted cake.

10 The Lords Arrive

The allied clan chieftains along with the rest of their clans and first born sons arrive to compete in the highland games for Merida's hand in marriage.

The Contenders
11 Mor'du's Death
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