Top 10 Moments from Frankenweenie (2012)

The top moments from the Tim Burton 2012 movie Frankenweenie which is a remake of 1984 short film of the same name and a parody and homage to the classic monster movie Frankenstein.
The Top Ten
1 Victor Brings Sparky Back to Life

After being inspired by Mr. Rzykuski's demonstration Victor digs up Sparky's dead body and successfully reanimated him in his makeshift lab/

2 Windmill Scene
3 Monsters On the Loose

Victor's classmates bring the dead animals to life with Edgar turning a dead rat into a wererat, Nassor reviving his mummified hamster Colossus, Toshiaki's turtle Shelly turns into a giant Gamera-like monster after being covered in Miracle Gro, Weird Girl's cat turning into a vampire cat, and Bob's sea monkey's turn into humanoid monsters as they wreck havoc at the fair.

4 Mr. Whiskers Turns into a Vampire Cat

All the other classmates were able to bring their pets to life via lightning however Weird Girl's cat Mr. Whiskers gets fused with the bat transforming it into a vampire cat as it tears the place apart and flies out the window.

5 Mr. Whiskers Dream

One of Victor's classmates known only as Weird Girl shows up and shows him an actually piece of poo in the shape of a V she got from her cat Mr. Whiskers claiming it to be an omen and how Mr. Whiskers had dreams about their other classes and bad things happened to most of them of course Victor doesn't think much of it.

6 Victors Classmates Bring Dead Animals to Life
7 Lighting

In this scene the school's teacher Mr. Kzykuski goes over with the class about Lightning in a very unique way.

8 Sparky Dies
9 Reviving Sparky

Following Sparky's bravery the townsfolk's attempt to revive Sparky with their car batteries reviving him for a second time.

10 Edgar Knows

One of Victor's classmates Edgar who resembles Egor from the Frankenstein movies finds out about Victor bringing Sparky back from the dead and comes over to confront him about it and wants to know how he did it.

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