Most Fascinating Concepts In Physics

This list is, quite guilelessly, the top ten fascinating concepts in physics!
The Top Ten
1 Black Holes
2 Antimatter
3 Special Relativity
4 General Relativity
5 Fusion
6 Photoelectric Effect
7 Uncertainty Principle
8 Shrodinger Equation
9 Superfluids

I really can't vote for just one, as there is so much here to choose from. I went for superfluids because they show what many would think impossible.

10 Schrodinger's Cat
The Contenders
11 Planck's Law

It was what founded quantum theory; one of the most underrated concepts in all of eternity! Why does the media use E=mc^2 all the time, but not E=have?!

12 Quantum Tunnelling
13 Second Law of Thermodynamics

It's fundamental and most Physicists use it 24/7, but it's underrated in the media

14 Exclusion Principle
15 Hooke's Law
16 Wien's Displacement Law
17 Law of Gravitation
18 Fission
19 String Theory
20 The Periodic Table of Elements
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