Top 10 Best Jack Nicholson Movies
When it comes to unforgettable screen legends, Jack Nicholson is right at the top. His career has given us some of the most fascinating, wild, and unforgettable performances in film history, from intense dramas and thrilling mysteries to some seriously dark comedy. With his instantly recognizable voice, fierce stare, and that devilish grin, Nicholson has taken on a range of roles that have left audiences talking for decades. Whether he's portraying a rebel, a detective, or a downright menace, Nicholson's characters always bring something intense and unique to the screen.
Has there ever been an actor more perfectly cast than Jack Nicholson as McMurphy? He was born to play this part, and his performance is one of the greatest ever seen on the big screen!
It really says something that this movie is even better than Chinatown, which is also one of the best films of all time. But Nicholson's brilliance in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is unsurpassed!
Hilarious, touching, and inspirational! Jack played this so perfectly that everything was natural and completely believable - including his influence on the other patients, his reaching the Chief, and McMurphy's spirit accompanying the Chief's escape!

This was a very tough decision to make! Every Jack Nicholson movie is amazing. This is my favorite Jack Nicholson movie, but I think that this is his best movie, and The Departed is his second best. That's my favorite movie by Martin Scorsese, and Jack had a great supporting role in it.
I will end this by saying that Jack Nicholson is one of the best actors of all time, and he has turned just about every one of his acting roles into pure gold!
The Shining: An award-winning performance by Jack Nicholson paired with an equally good actress. A suspense thriller that will leave you breathless from start to finish.
This is one of Jack's movies that I have repeatedly watched. Awesome!

Number 9? Democracy doesn't always work.

Here, Jack Nicholson gives such a smooth and sublime performance that he makes you forget his later roles in which he somewhat played a caricature of himself. This is easily one of his best roles and one of the few movies where you think to yourself that you're not watching Jack Nicholson but rather his character.
Chinatown is a great movie from Roman Polanski that is complemented by Nicholson's fine acting as the slick, shark-grinned private detective Jake Gittes.
Out of the four above, this movie I saw three. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest I gave 3.5 stars, The Shining I gave 4.5, and The Departed I gave 4 stars. This is one of the 12 total movies that I've given five stars and for good reason.

There will never be another Joker like Jack!

It was just one of those amazing movies. Jack Nicholson doesn't steal the show, but he definitely stars in a great film with a great cast of actors, delivering a good performance.
Awesome movie with an amazing performance from Jack Nicholson. He plays a very frightening character. This movie is a masterpiece from Martin Scorsese.
Another great performance from one of the great actors of all time, and this movie makes him look frightening.

Amazing performance from Petty Officer "Badass" Buddusky. Definitely not his best, but it deserves a place in the top 10!

Is there anyone who doesn't remember his character, particularly his trial examination by Tom Cruise? Memorable.
I am a Jack Nicholson fan, so anything he does falls into the memorable category, but A Few Good Men was his best.
Love this movie. Jack Nicholson played a great role. He did a phenomenal job playing the Colonel. I enjoyed this movie very much and would watch it over and over again. It was great, and also, Tom Cruise wasn't bad looking either.
Probably the greatest script that I have ever experienced. The climax alone is worth watching, capable of chilling even the bravest of souls.

Incredible script, with inspiring character development. Nicholson plays the obsessive writer with such grace and nuance, dancing between humor and pathos.
I have seen the movie a zillion times. I don't ever get tired of watching it. Can you tell I just love that movie?
The funniest movie ever, bar none. Jack at his finest. Sharp, witty, sexy, and always classy.

I go for About Schmidt because he carries this glamorous movie on his own! Although we all know Payne is a top-rated director and writer, Nicholson himself in this picture is something really special.
Excellent movie! I still watch it at least six times per year. It deserved more attention when it came out. Wow!
This movie hit very close to home! I have been there, done that. I even own the same make and model Winnebago. Need I say more!
The Newcomers

The ultimate road movie of the '60s, and when Jack as George Hanson showed up, this film became twice as good as it was before. And it was already great. George was funny and deep at the same time, a feat made possible by Mr. Nicholson with his outstanding performance.
One of my favorites. Jack played a great part in this movie.
What? Am I seeing right? My favorite movie of all time isn't even in the top 10?

This was a great movie. It has a lot of twists and turns in it. If you miss just a minute of it, you will be lost.
I like the way Jack manipulated Adam and got him and his girlfriend together again, and even got him to kiss her in front of other people. One of my favorites.
"So pretty, oh so pretty." Haha, it's so good words can't explain.

The Bucket List was my favorite that I saw. He and Morgan just seemed to have a great connection. It was a very touching movie. I cried, laughed, and loved Jack and Morgan together.
The Bucket List should be No. 4. It had two of my favorite actors: Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman.
This is such a touching film. It inspired me so much.

One of the finest movies ever made after Gone with the Wind. I could feel and share the romance and fun of the movie. It brought hope to my life as a middle-aged man that life can still be beautiful.
Michael A
It's an awesome movie with great acting and lines!
This is one perfect film with amazing actors. Personally, I loved this type of comedy. Beautiful story about middle-aged people, especially about middle-aged men.

It was a great movie! Jack was brilliant as the president and the eccentric casino owner. The combination of Tim Burton's directing and Jack Nicholson's acting made the film a sci-fi marvel! It was a movie that was supposed to be bad!
Aliens, green goop, skeletons, cows on fire, a senile old lady, and a video game - this movie had everything!
This movie was panned and did not do well at the box office, but I absolutely love it!

How can this be in the top 10? He won a very deserving Oscar for this.

Another great movie and performance from Jack Nicholson! And again, he's absolutely hot.

This may not be his greatest, but it's definitely up there with his best work.

Underrated but excellent movie and role by Jack.

Nicholson's character is emotional, sensitive, and perspicacious while dealing with exquisitely bad people. He has every right to be cynical, but his anger is instead righteous. A great performance.
This is a sequel to Chinatown. You must see Chinatown first, or you won't understand it.