Best Vehicles In Movie History

The Top Ten
1 Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)
2 USS Enterprise (Star Trek)
3 Batmobile (Batman Forever)
4 Delorean (Back to the Future)
5 Aston Martin DB5 (James Bond Golden Eye)

Best in Goldfinger. Can't help but notice it didn't really do much in Skyfall, which would have made it the best Bond since. But still awesome in it nonetheless!

James Bond is the reason why this Aston is still loved by millions and can fetch large sums of cash when you want to sell it

6 Customized Mustang (Death Race)
7 Luke's X Wing Fighter (Empire Strikes Back)
8 Discovery One (A Space Odyssey)
9 Mercedes-Benz Cabriolet (The Hangover)
10 Slave 1 (Empire Strikes Back)
The Contenders
11 Aston Martin Vanquish (Die Another Day)
12 Death Star (Star Wars Episodes IV & VI)
13 The Rodger Young (Starship Troopers)
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