Top 10 Moments from Treasure Planet (2002)

The Top Ten
1 I'm Still Here, Jim's Theme

One of my favorite scenes in the movie, Mr. Silver gives his duties which include washing the deck, cleaning the dishes, scraping the barnacles off the ship among other things as Jim reflects on his past of how his father neglected him before leaving him and his mom while also developing a deep bond with Mr. Silver who despite being the villain becomes the father figure Jim needed in his life.

2 Escaping From Treasure Planet

Really intense scene as Jim and the crew attempt to escape the planet before it explodes with Jim using an old rocket sailboard to change the portal all while the planet is literally seconds away from exploding.

3 Silver's Speech to Jim

After escaping the supernova and Mr. Arrow dying thanks to Scroops Jim becomes incredibly upset believing he failed to secure Mr. Arrows lifeline as Mr. Silver gives him a heart to heart talk with him telling him he has greatness in him and needs to chart his own course.

4 The Map
5 Solar Surfing

After the opening prologue Jim is seen solar surfing as he surfs into a restricted area and stopped by two police robots.

6 Jim and Silver's Goodbeye
7 Jim Returns Home
8 Silver Sacrifices the Treasure to Saves Jim
9 Mr Arrow gets sucked into the black hole.

Mr. Arrow was Captain Amelia's most trusted sailor and also her dear close friend. We will always remember how brave he was

Sometimes in outer space, you can see the ghost of Mr. Arrow.

The Darkest moment in the film.

10 Arriving at The RLS Legacy

Both Jim and Delbert arrive at the RLS legacy ship to take them to Treasure Planet and meet with the Captain Amelia and Mr. Arrow and the motley crew of misfits, also worth noting the RLS Legacy's initials for Robert Louis Stevenson the author of Treasure Island.

The Contenders
11 Jim vs Scroops
12 Jim Meets Silver
13 A Big Door Opening and Closing
14 Jim Meets B.E.N.
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