Worst Animated Dreamworks Movies
This is by far the worst DreamWorks Animation movie. To be honest, this is the reason why it sucks because this movie is just Finding Nemo but it only talks about sharks, how not fun. Every character is either a rip-off on someone from Finding Nemo, or they are just for filler. But that's not all! The humor is just the same disgusting animated movie crap! To be honest, this is a DreamWorks movie with the worst story!
In the words of the Nostalgia Critic, it seems more like an excuse to make a popular soundtrack with a lot of artists on it, and to shout a lot of catchphrases and promote a lot of in-jokes and, ugh, some really horrible puns.
Boring and you can easily skip it and wont miss anything. Just search up "shrek 3 out of context" instead and youll save an hour of your life
I had to watch this on the bus ride back from my Washington D.C. field trip and well it wasn't good. Sure the first Shrek had a lot of awkward jokes and plot holes but it still had enough good qualities to make it okay. This however is just pure rubbish. The plot is bad, the old characters are now lame, the new characters are even lamer, and Puss is probably the only good thing about this movie. Oh and "Artie" is the whiniest character ever. Overall I give this movie a C- grade.
Stupid and proves that Dreamworks is having trouble coming up with new ideas. The parents are idiots, the animation is ugly, and worst of all my sisters are imitating the stupid siblings! I HATE THIS MOVIE! Also, in the movie (spoilers) there are really gross things like drool, naked babies, disgusting baby food, and even vomit in people's mouths. And in 2021 there's gonna be a sequel! GROAN! Oh, and another thing, it's so STUPID! Plus, it doesn't follow through with the plot. So...you have a talking baby trying to find out why puppies have more love than stinky, annoying, ugly babies, along with an over-imaginative kid who is quite the cringe-nugget. Well, soon the plot shifts and they are trying to save the baby from getting fired, and in the end it plays out well, also showing a pie chart with people loving babies more than puppies (HOW?! ). BUT it never showed you how they got more love than puppies! This movie is horrible, stupid, and gross. Do yourself a favor. Don't watch the movie.
This is Probably the Most Forgettable Animated Movie I have ever seen. At least I remember how Ugly and poor Food fight was. But this movie is so forgettable that no matter how many times I have seen Turbo I still don't remember any of it. Even the animation.
I zoned out while watching this. Boring, ugly, and a ripoff of Cars.
It was very boring and unoriginal. Really Dreamworks.
Yeah, this is the 100% worst Dreamworks of all time! I don't know why my sister has obsession on watching and wanting to watch this film the first time we needed to see it. I lost interest on this ugly movie. Kung fu panda and How to train your dragon franchise are way better than this sick looking movie, Home!
This movie is the worst movie in the world. Please don't watch this movie. It's stupid and babyish. It's so bad, it's even worse Antz. And Antz is a pretty bad movie. Also, the Netflix show is horrendous. It's like the movie home but the creator flushed it down the toilet!
I can't wait for it to come out! Who put this here was born in a jungle raised by monkeys. who wrote the review that it's was childish knows better than that. It's about happiness, not being negative. I collect troll dolls. I have branch, poppy, guy diamond, and dj suki. Even I love it and I'm a ten year old boy. I'm going to see it with my five year old cousin next Saturday.
Ugh. Just another "just be positive" movie based on a toy line. Now that I think of it's basically the Angry Birds movie with the opposite takeaway. At least the sequel was alright.
This film is uninteresting and gets old quickly. And who cares? This movie made me leave the theater.
Honestly, why do you THINK it got such an ironic fandom? Should be in top 3, if not #1.
The story plot wasn't good and animation was odd.
The fourth one s awful, who put the third one here, that one was amazing, but not his, this one was garbage.
I'll be honest. I think the fourth is way worse than the third one.
How dare you disrespect the almighty Shrek! Shrek is love, Shrek is life
Makes me feel sick to watch. Sometimes I like it, other times I hate it. The only things that bother me are that BOB is super annoying and that the people are hideous. Other than that, I really cannot say that the movie was all bad.
This is only remembered because if it's use of stereoscopic graphics, and was the first animation to do so. The film itself, however, is mediocre.
So much worse than most of the movies above it.
First time I saw this I'm like yo what it's disturbing, the story was so poor and all.
Apparently It got stupidly by rotten tomatoes, a shocking 93%.
A Bug's Life was so much better than this...
Only ONE poop joke? Now that's a clean record!
I agree, it was boring and unnecessary. I was sleeping through most of it, it was so boring! I hate it! It's another crappy Film!
I was so confused at beginning! The story line is bland, the characters were aggravating, and the animation was hideous!
One of the worst movies I have ever laid my eyes on. I hope to never watch it again.
The story plot wasn't good and all of the characters were annoying.
A very bland, boring, and slightly stereotypical movie. Bad jokes, and now my sisters call Fritos "Cheesy Dibbles." Stupid.
Typical. The sequel is always worse.
Shrek is such an awful people are loving this movie and I respect their opinion but I really think this movie is very dumb.
Shrek is an awful film and people love it to the point where they think it is an anime when it's not?! it's not an anime. it's a CARTOON! this movie sucked and was so unoriginal. I hate it.
This actually made me like Dreamworks less after seeing this poop!
Easily one of it's best. It isn't as good as Incredibles, but still, a really clever superhero parody from a different point of view.
I wanted to see it, I saw it & was disappointed.
It was very boring after the Egypt scene.
A really bad movie since it encourages animal cruelty (since Circuses are cruel to the animals, have you heard of Tyke the elephant, who got miserable of circus life and rampaged because of it leading to her death by the law enforcement?). Animals (apart from humans) don't belong in circuses and the animal circuses are thankfully being banned for the better animal welfare. If you want to see wild animals, go visit the wilderness/wildlife reserve/preserve, the humane zoos/safari parks, or, if safe and/or not further endangering the species, go buy one (and make sure you take proper care of it, unlike circuses).
This movie is very colorful and funny, and I especially love the beach scene. You should really check it out if you haven't seen it.
The dumbest movie ever. Where to begin here? 1. Annoying characters. Ex. "Oh no, Krupp's changing classes...IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! WE CAN'T BE FRIENDS ANYMORE! " Really? How dumb! 2. The characters are idiots. They think that everything is funny and they are just really stupid. 3. Annoying villains/heroes. So...what? You snap your fingers and BAM he's a superhero! That's dumb. Plus, the hero is annoying and the villain is just plain sad. 4. Too many bathroom jokes! It's like every time I start to enjoy it, this obnoxious movie hits the audience with another bathroom joke! And at the end, a giant evil toilet tries to stop kids from laughing, and then there's a rampage of evil toilets? This has got to be worse than Trolls.
Nobody who enjoys the Trolls movies over the age of eight can be taken seriously, especially 22 year old males who have Trolls World Tour as their favorite movie of all time (and also Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse as their least favorite movie of all time).
This is an unwatchably boring cinematic disaster that makes Rio 2 look like Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse.
This thing makes Shark Tale look like How to Train Your Dragon!
Weirded me out, but it's actually funny and entertaining. Just a tidbit...disturbing maybe?
I been watched it, it looks not interesting.
What the hell! This movie is awesome!
Ok let's be honest, Prince of Egypt should be last instead of Joseph King of Dreams. Prince of Egypt it's music, visuals, plot, and dialogue are amazing, and this film is just mediocre. Joseph King of Dreams does not deserve this spot.
This shouldn't be here. Don't hate on Biblical movies, God should always win.