Top 10 Bravest Countries

The Top Ten

Pakistan fought for the US in their own War on Terror, and they are still complaining. Pakistan is one of the only countries, along with our Chinese and Russian brothers, who said "Absolutely Not" to the US.

Was it not Pakistan who hid the most wanted man in the world, Osama Bin Laden? Was it not Pakistan who flushed out terrorism in Balochistan? Was it not Pakistan who triumphed over India in the 1965 War? Forty-nine Pakistani politicians have been killed in our history.

Most brave of all, we are friends with North Korea. Looking at you, world.

United States

We are the bravest country because we stand out. We were the first to decide to be different. We fight for what we believe, and we will not be silent.

Yes, US people can be arrogant and idiotic. But we're tough and stand up for what we believe.

We have the United States Marine Corps. Need I say more?


Because of the battle in North Korea, they would rather freeze to death but still kept the same position and waited for the enemies to come by. Even their enemies respect them as heroes.

They have unique technologies that make them brave outside.


I am from Poland, and I know our history. We are like Spartans, fighting to our last drop of blood. I think that Poland has survived the most pain of wars.

Our bravery and other attributes are reasons why we exist all the time. Adam Mickiewicz wrote in "Dziady part III" that Poland is the Jesus Christ of countries. Our nation is like a phoenix from the ashes. We never die!

Tragic but beautiful history. Never gave up. Imagine what could have been if Poland had a better geographical location without being surrounded by Russia and Germany.

South Korea

The bravest country in the world is Ukraine. This is the one country that is fighting against Russia, Iran, and now even North Korea. Big countries such as the U.S. lack the courage. I can't even imagine what the country has turned into.

Ukraine is really brave too. Russia killing lots of young to old people in Ukraine doesn't mean Ukraine isn't brave. Ukraine always tries to bring back peace, and I felt really bad for Ukraine since the war between Ukraine and Russia.

I'm from Ukraine, so yes, it is very brave!


Even when underprepared, they still fight. Look at World War II. They had no ability to fight yet still tried.


In WWII, when Japanese soldiers are caught, almost none of them surrender.


Leo Major is a great example. He liberated the Dutch city of Zwolle single-handedly by making the Germans think they were being attacked by a much bigger force. He captured 50 of them, and the rest retreated. How is that not bravery? Only one man, imagine a whole country.

Canada fought courageously and humbly in the Second World War.


The Newcomers

? Myanmar

- Since the coup in February 2021, Myanmar, especially Generation Z, protested and encountered well-armed military forces with fireworks, fire extinguishers, and by throwing back tear gas with bare hands. Some even died after throwing back grenades.

- Now, they have formed the PDF (People's Defense Force) to fight against the military and are making their own weapons.

- More than 1,300 people have died, tens of homes have been burned down, many people, including children, have been shot, and thousands have been tortured.

- Despite these horrors, their eagerness for justice, humanity, and human rights keeps them resisting the brutal military, even in 2022.

For daring to stand for justice under unbearable military pressure during the COVID crisis, we can't deny that Myanmar is among "The Bravest Countries."

? Palestine
The Contenders
United Kingdom

WW2. Defended the world almost entirely on their own.

The soldiers and civilians who had to endure that hell are braver than anyone in this or any other generation. Cities were constantly being targeted, and the British morale refused to dwindle.

Soldiers went into combat knowing full well they were probably going to die and were still willing to go and help protect their nation. They never gave up and were able to rise up, spitting in the face of fear.


Yes, I believe that Turkey is one of the bravest nations on Earth. They are the descendants of brave Turkic Tribes. These people resisted the Mongols, the Crusaders, and much more. Jalaladin Khwarzamshah's campaign against the Mongols was one of the most humiliating defeats for the Mongols. When the Mongols reconstructed their army and chased him up to the Indus River, crushing everything including his army, he, without looking back, leaped his horse across the river. Even Genghis Khan himself said, What a brave soul, I have never seen. Turks have always been one of the bravest people.


Hate Taiwan or not, they deserve recognition because they are brave.


Vietnam is brave and mostly fights with China. There are lots of heroes who fight with the Chinese and always win to bring back peace for their own country. I love my country and always will.

A small country defeats the USA! This country deserves to be in the top ten.


India is not a country, but a civilization in itself. For thousands of years, many intruders came and tried to break and loot it, but they could not diminish it from the world map.

Indian soldiers are great examples of supreme sacrifice. Indian techies and professionals are the best in class, and India is the food producer of the world. It's a mighty, brave, and mammoth entity, one that can't be uprooted ever!

Gandhi Ji was an astonishing hero. He possessed countless qualities, many of which an ordinary person could not have had. He set several examples for our countries, like the Dandi March and Satyagraha. He fought for something he believed in and never gave up. He fought through all the obstacles that came his way with love and peace.

Leadership, simplicity, and bravery were the three most outstanding qualities in Gandhi Ji. The Gandhi Ji strategy is the combination of truth, sacrifice, non-violence, selfless service, and cooperation.


Syrian people are fighting against terrorists. They have lost millions of people and are still fighting against terrorism.


We have the most deadly creatures in the world. Of course, we're the bravest!


Fought against the British for hundreds of years. Also had to deal with what is considered one of the worst famines in the world in 1845, where all the potatoes (which one-third of the country could only afford) were covered in blight.

Come out ye Black and Tans and come fight me like a man.


As the Afrocentric scholar Molefe Asante explains, After the victory over Italy in 1896, Ethiopia acquired a special importance in the eyes of Africans as the only surviving African State. After Adowa, Ethiopia became emblematic of African valor and resistance, the bastion of prestige and hope to thousands of Africans who were experiencing the full shock of European conquest and were beginning to search for an answer to the myth of African inferiority.

Ethiopia has never been defeated by any foreign army. Only once, it took a 5-year war with the Italian army, from 1939 to 1944, but we still won and threw them out, thanks to the bravery of its people.

An ancient country, with all its cultures and heritages still intact and unchanged.


Russians are Slavs, and Slavs are brave. World War II demonstrated their bravery, placing them among the bravest nations alongside Germany, though under Poland.


We've never given up on what belongs to us. When Israel occupied our land in 1967 and killed thousands of Egyptians, six years later, during the Yom Kippur War, the Egyptian army, led by Chief of Staff Saad El Shazly, overran the Bar Lev Line in less than two hours due to the element of surprise and overwhelming firepower.

To deal with the massive earthen ramparts, the Egyptians used water cannons fashioned from hoses attached to dredging pumps in the canal. We crossed the Suez Canal and restored our land!


Greece's defeat of the seemingly undefeatable Axis forces inspired the world.

President Franklin Roosevelt said, "When the entire world had lost all hope, the Greek people dared to question the invincibility of the German monster, raising against it the proud spirit of freedom," following the Greeks handing the seemingly invincible Axis Forces their first defeat in WWII. Hitler had previously soundly defeated France and routed the army of Great Britain, two of the world's great powers. Life Magazine and publications around the world featured Greece on their covers. I think that's enough to see the bravest country.

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