Top 10 Most Annoying Nintendo Characters

ANYONE who played Ocarina of Time knows that Navi will forever reign supreme on the list of most annoying characters - and I don't just mean Nintendo characters.
I play Ocarina of Time and Navi is always up in my face the whole time I play the game.
Listen! In the middle of a battle, she comes out and tells you you've played for a while and should take a break after just 20 minutes of gameplay.

And Baby Luigi. I hope they never put these characters in another game again. Not everything you do is worth repeating 700 times, Nintendo.
I hate how he, and all of the baby Mario characters, beat me in Mario Kart. The embarrassing part is that they don't even know how to drive, especially Baby Peach.
I hate this sound, and I hear it every time I play Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island. It kind of sounds like Baby Mario is also saying "Hey!"

I'm annoyed by his nose. Did his parents abuse him by putting a tight rubber band around his nose and leaving it there until it turned pink?
He's a skinny stick man with a pink nose and an annoying voice. He appreciates himself a little too much after he says his name.
If Camelot (yes, he wasn't even made by Nintendo) had the idea to make doubles partners random, then he would be gone.

The dog and duck teamed up in Smash, and they can't even talk. How are they annoying? The dog was mean to the duck in the past, though.
Poor ducks. He chokes them to death. It isn't funny. I wish I could blast that dog's head off.
He looks cute without his ugly smile, though.

I can't believe Fi from Skyward Sword wasn't on here before. There is a 90% chance that she'll point out something incredibly obvious, tell you the same thing repeatedly, and make up some dumb statistic to go along with it.
Hey! I'm gonna interrupt you randomly to tell you something you already know! And her annoying voice too!
Navi: I'm the most annoying sidekick Link's had to put up with!
Fi: There's a 100% chance you will hold my beer.

How is this below Kirby? Kirby's a useful and strong pink puff whose name you should know! He's the star of his own show! Slippy Toad? I need a monster to clobber that there toad!
"Stick to the pond, froggie!"
Nah, this is a joke. Slippy Toad is OK. Sometimes, he's funny. The only time he is annoying is when he says that sentence in the first stage of Star Fox 64: "Thanks, FOX! I thought they HAD me!"
Somebody made a level called "Choose Your Torture, Slippy!" in Super Mario Maker.
KOOL-LOO-LIMPA! It's all he ever says.
Is he drunk or something? Or does he love Kool-Aid?
Yup, he's definitely drunk.
So why did he get his own game on the DS?
Something's definitely wrong with him. Whoever bought his games is crazy.
A gnome in a skin suit on a regular overdose of LSD. That's Tingle.

The enemy Zubat used Hypnosis... Three turns later: Charmander snapped out of confusion... Next turn: The enemy Zubat used Hypnosis.
Wait! I'm wishing for Pokémon Platinum for Christmas! Soon I will take a step and meet billions of Zubats! #RIP
Probably the most common (and annoying) Pokémon in any of the games.
The Newcomers

The old Peach was fun and smart. The new Peach bores me. And that was Pauline in Super Show. Peach is dumb now. She killed Pauline for Mario and killed Toad because she didn't want to die. She leaves Bowser dead, but everybody still loves her. Daisy and Pauline even look like sisters. Plus, Luigi hates Peach as a ruler, which is why he'd kill her if he had to.
Ungrateful, vicious, bossy, stalker, poor-mannered, miscast, not-so-beautiful, disgraceful, excuse-making, useless, cowardly, bad-tempered, unimportant, aggressive, overrated, and annoying are all traits of Princess Peach. Rosalina is at least 100 times better than Princess Peach.

The owl isn't all bad, just kind of creepy.

He farts, he's obsessed with garlic and money, and he's kind of annoying, but I guess that's just the way he is.
Farting and ugly. He keeps making stupid laughing sounds. Can't stand him.

"Thank you, Mario, but the princess is in another castle." I have eyes, Toad. I can see that. GO AWAY.
Toad doesn't talk. He makes ugly faces. Why did they make him shrink and grow after he acts like a doofus?
He sounds weird, but he's not a bad character.

He has taken the princess over 10 times, and poor Mario is always in trouble until she gets captured again! Will it ever stop?

Always up for her boyfriend Luigi. Does she have a problem? She wants to steal Peach's spotlight. Her stars make me happy - they are cute - but Rosalina is a card.
Rosalina is the perfect example of an annoying character. I don't even know who Navi is - do any of you? Anyways, the galaxy isn't everything, folks!

She's a trash character with no depth or characteristics of her own. Basically a knock-off Peach without lipstick.

USUM in a nutshell:
Hey! Hey, (player character name)!
I'm gonna tell ya something I've said a thousand times/you already know!
Me: Oh my god, Rotom, shut the fudge up!
He follows you everywhere and doesn't understand the word awesome.

Well, it would be annoying to get your porch covered in ink by her.

Nintendo, stop shoving this annoying turd in everyone's face!