Top Ten Most Addictive Nintendo 64 Games

From the lesser known to the power house that was ocarina of time we count down the best, most addictive n64 games.
The Top Ten
Mario Party 2

Okay, Kill me now, what ever you want to say, I don't care. Once we got 3 other mates on the couch, it was a bruised arm and a hella' load of fun!

I herd of the game on Wii not on Nintendo

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

What an amazing game. The thing the best in this game was the fighting. Hands down. They got that perfect.

The only N64 game that I still play. There is a reason they re-released it on the 3DS.

I grew up with that game and now... I'm STUCK

Super Smash Bros

I can still see my bestfriend James screaming in my face, KIRBY KIRBY! The most OP character ever, led to a lot of fights, that little ball of chance into anything.

I herd if that game on Wii again

Super Mario 64
GoldenEye 007
Mario Kart 64

Rareware made the best games for the N64. Conkers Bad Fur Day (crude, but so damn fun), Banjo-Kazooie, even Banjo Tooie.

When Mario 64 came, rare called back saying, BANJO-KAZOOIE!

Conker's Bad Fur Day
Paper Mario
NFL Blitz

The Newcomers

? The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
? Mischief Makers
The Contenders
Diddy Kong Racing

I loved this game so much and I think I deserves this place.

Mortal Kombat 4
Xena: Warrior Princess: The Talisman of Fate
Doom 64
Mortal Kombat Trilogy
Starcraft 64
Shadow Man
World Cup '98
Space Station: Silicon Valley
Killer Instinct Gold
007 The World is Not Enough
Excitebike 64
Top Gear Rally
Hybrid Heaven
Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
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