Nintendo 64 Games That Should Be Remade On the 3DS or Wii U

I want those old glitchy popular N64 games to be remade!
The Top Ten
Super Mario 64

JUst fix the graphics, and this game will always be number 1

Mario Kart 64
Super Smash Bros.

Super Smash Bros. For Nintendo 3DS and Wii U?...

GoldenEye 007
Mario Party 2
Mario Party
Bomberman 64
Mario Party 3
Mario Golf
Mario Tennis

The Newcomers

? Jet Force Gemini
? Conker's Bad Fur Day
The Contenders
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

This is WAY better than Ocarina of Time!

Remade, but I'm voting for it anyways

Donkey Kong 64

I know this has been released on virtual console. But it needs a full remake, graphics and all.

Paper Mario

I love this game and this should be on we already have a paper mario game on it should me simple

Pokémon Snap

If a remake of this game was created world peace would be restored. Seriously look up Pokemon Snap remake meme.

Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards

Since it was a single-player game(except minigames), I imagine it would make a great 3DS remake.

F-Zero X

F-Zero X 3D for the 3DS & F-Zero X HD for the Wii U are two remakes of this game that Nintendo should do.

Banjo Kazooie

Come on banjo Kazooie + Good Graphics = MAKE THE GAME

Superman 64
Banjo Tooie
Super Robot Spirits
Yoshi's Story
Wave Race 64
Pokemon Stadium
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