Top 10 Must Play Nintendo 64 Games

These are the games that every gamer should play at least once in their lifetime. A lot of the games people have played and are well known, and games most people have never heard or had the chance to play.
The Top Ten
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The first 3D Zelda game ever made and man doss it go above and beyond to deliver one of the greatest N64 games ever featuring a lengthy quest, Huge Boss Battles, side quests and multiple dungeons.

This is my favorite video game of all time

Perfect Dark

Golden Eye 007 was great Perfect Dark was even better.

Super Mario 64
Paper Mario

Banjo-Kazooie was great Banjo-Tooie was even better larger worlds, more moves including the ability to split up, boss battles and even multiplayer.

Star Fox 64
Jet Force Gemini

One of the best and most underrated games on the N64 and clearly showed that Nintendo & Rare were a winning combination.

Mario Kart 64
Conker's Bad Fur Day

Only Rare could have pulled off something like this taking what was Originally suppose to be a kids game and and reinvented it as one of the funniest and most outrages n64 games ever made, though the renake from Live and Reloaded looks better the N64 beats out the remake by featuring multiplayer deathmatchs.

Super Smash Bros

Yes yes yes a muitplayer fight game with 4 players and you want to unlock people the cons with this game the controller for this game

The Newcomers

? Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
? Superman 64
The Contenders
WWF No Mercy

It’s nice to know this game has some exposure. I remember me and my brother used to customize our characters and play exposition. I never tried the campaign because I was always getting my lunch kicked out of me, especially from non gamers like my dad. :S

Blast Corps

A game that literally allows you to cause massive amount of destruction just fir the heck of it a game that most people never had the chance to play during the N64's lifespan.

Diddy Kong Racing
Donkey Kong 64
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards
F-Zero X
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