Most Overrated Star Wars Movies

The Top Ten
1 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

This movie sucks. I was hoping for an interesting movie but instead all I got was a bland movie that feels like a documentary without all the "action" But no it's just blasters. I fell asleep at the theater and forgot everything after I walked out! Truly a waste!

A truly lame movie,

2 Star Wars: The Force Awakens

This movie sucks. Characters were bland and lifeless, plot directly copied from New Hope and poor pacing and the acting sucked. This film is extremely overrated. I like Rogue One better.

Absolutely overrated, people say it's better than revenge of the sith and return of the jedi,!, when it isn't, it's just rehash

It deserves the praise. It's the best and only good Disney star wars movie so far.

Boring. Better than that overrated trash Avengers though.

3 Star Wars Episode II - Attack of the Clones

How would this be overrated when its arguably the most hated movie in the entire franchise

How is the most hated movie in the franchise overrated?

Why does everyone like this?

4 Star Wars Episode III - The Revenge of the Sith

People need to clam down. It's a decent movie and all but it is no way the best Star Wars movie. The recent love of the prequels really bothers me as how terrible these movies. I think people forgot of all those awful acting and dialogues in this movie. Like You are breaking my heart, She has lost the will to live, From my point the Jedi are evil etc. I always cringe when I watch the prequels because of how bad they are. Definitely the most overrated movie of all time. Yes even more overrated than Frozen , Endgame and Titanic.

I hate prequel fanboys. They think they are cool and fanboy their prequels so much and they talk trash on the original trilogy and Disney. I was viewing New Hope review of Chris Stuckmann and in the comments these prequel fanboys were talking trash about Original trilogy and saying the prequels are best. Prequels are the one of the worst movies ever I have no idea how could anyone like them. What the hell is wrong with the fanbase. Suddenly they love the prequels and now hate the originals. These fans are so toxic.

Extremely overrated. It's insulting to think that this garbage is considered by many fans as the best Star Wars movie... Prequel fans are terrible. I bet these guys like Batman and Robin and Emoji movie as well.

Underrated to be fair, it may have a big fanbase, but it also has quite a big dislikebase, people call it forgettable, in my opinion it was the best one

5 Star Wars Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Overhated the introduction of Jar-Jar, the kid who played Anakin, oh no not the eville cgi how dare they cgi Yoda he is a puppet not mentally retarded evil cgi.

I have that same DVD set.

This is underrated!

6 Star Wars: The Last Jedi

This movie is so bad that I even startes appreciating trash movies like Attack of the Clones. Yet this movie is overrated by the so called critics. 91% are you kidding me?! Disney buying reviews as usual.

It is a terrible movie but still has 91% rating on Rotten Tomatoes which is so overrated when it deserves only like 46%.

This movie may get a lot of hate but people seem to like this one over the prequels which is why I voted for it

Get your facts right. Everyone hates this movie.

7 Star Wars: The Clone Wars
8 The Star Wars Holiday Special
9 Star Wars: Episode VIII

See my comment on The Last Jedi

10 Han Solo: A Star Wars Story

Didn't deserve the decent ratings it got

The Contenders
11 Return of the Jedi

Return of the Jedi is a big step down in the original trilogy. We do get a satisfying conclusion, but the pacing is messier. Much of the screentime of Endor and the Ewoks were kind of dull and mostly unnecessary.

If anything this is underrated

No. It deserves praise.

12 Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion
13 Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope

A really good movie but a bit overrated at most.

14 Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

This has got to be the most overrated Star Wars film ever. My least favourite in the trilogy. The fanboys can suck it.

It also deserves praise.

15 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker
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