Top 10 Saddest Star Wars Deaths
Darth Vader had the saddest death of any character in movie history for me. He only turned to save his wife, Padmé Amidala. Just like I said in my Padmé comment, once Padmé died, Vader was truly lonely. Obi-Wan would never forgive him. No Jedi would ever forgive him.
The only reason Vader returned to the Light Side was because of his son, Luke. Once he realized Luke was alive, he wasn't truly lonely in this world.
It was a tough pick, but I think that Darth Vader's death is not just one of the saddest scenes in the franchise but also in all of movie history.
I had always known that his death would come. It didn't mean it was any less shocking to see.
My friend, who saw the movie with me, on the other hand, didn't see it coming, and her jaw dropped after watching her favorite character die on screen.
I still yell at The Force Awakens. Though we knew it was coming since Harrison Ford didn't want the part anymore.
This scene was not surprising but hit me hard. I heard people screaming as his body fell into Starkiller Base.
Dude, two people, him and Darth Maul, were unfortunate to only be featured in The Phantom Menace. Tragic.
Even though he committed so many atrocities, he wasn't heartless because he still cared about his mother and brother. His whole life was a tragedy. He was kidnapped as a baby by Darth Sidious, he lost his legs, and his mother and brother were killed in front of him. He was trapped on a planet for years and then Obi-Wan killed him. The way it went was sad. So this was a sad death.
Apparently, he didn't die, since he came back in The Clone Wars. But yes, his death was sad since I wanted to see more of him in the movies.
Anakin promised to return to see her, only for her to die in his hands. Her death plunged Anakin into a blind rage of hate and grief. This moment was the point he began his descent to the dark side.
If Anakin had Rey's healing powers (why does she have healing powers? She was way too powerful), Anakin could have saved his mom!
She was a slave her whole life and had a child who was a slave for most of his childhood. He got sent away to become a Jedi. When he came back, she was tortured alive.
This is one of the saddest deaths in the franchise, in my opinion. She spends most of the third film worrying and crying in her apartment about Anakin. Her breaking point comes after Anakin, as Vader, Force-chokes her on Mustafar, almost killing her and her babies.
When Obi-Wan and the rest arrive on Polis Massa, her time is up. After she gives birth to Luke and Leia, her last words are, "Obi-Wan... there's good in him... I know... I know there's... I know there's... still..." She genuinely believes there's still good in Anakin. However, it's too late, as Palpatine siphons her life force into Vader, and she dies of a broken heart.
It made me cry when I found out that at her funeral, she is holding the japor snippet that Anakin gave her in the first film.
Savage was a bad guy. But what made this death sad was that Darth Maul lost his brother.
His death was mainly sad because Maul saw it happen.
Palpatine, why did you have to kill him?
I challenge any of you to watch the entire scene of Fives dying and not tear up. Even better if you watch all of TCW before. It makes his death so emotional and sad.
Fives were killed by his own brother, and he was known as the clone that knew too much.
The nightmares. They're finally over.
Chirrut gets a bag put over his head.
Chirrut: "Are you kidding me? I am blind."
"I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me. I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me."
When Chirrut died, it really got me. The only time I legitimately cried a bit when a character died in any Star Wars movie.
Why! He was probably my favorite character in the movie.
While he may not really be dead, it was sad nonetheless. Luke fading away right in front of the setting sun just jerked me, and I thought, "Man, this is really it for him."
He faded and became one with the Force. If it were up to me, I would have given Luke a chance at a proper comeback and kept him alive with Chewie and the droids. But in reality, at least he's one with the Force now.
Luke should be higher. He is one of the best characters and a great Jedi.
The Newcomers
Echo is one of my favorite clones!
Echo is funny, smart, and a good guy.
He was the best character in Episodes 7-9. I'm sorry to all you Rey fans (I like Rey, by the way), but Rey is crazy powerful! That part doesn't bother me the most. It's the fact that she, Poe, and Finn all stay the same! There's no character development between those three.
Kylo/Ben is the only one where we see change. His battle between good and bad is evident throughout. At the Be With Me part in The Rise of Skywalker, he rises without the help of other Jedi. They should have had Rey die instead of him (even though I think she's awesome). And why do they have healing powers now?
Death is a natural part of life. Rejoice for those around you who transform into the Force. Mourn them do not. Miss them do not. Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of that is. You must train yourself to let go. Of everything you fear to lose.
HIS DEATH IS THE SADDEST! He is my favorite Jedi. Enjoy the High Ground. You are missed in the galaxy. Rest In Peace. You are a true hero. The perfect Jedi. Kind and selfless. Truly, he is one of the best.
I cry every time. Saddest part in A New Hope. The Force is with you forever. May it be with me forever.
Phoebe, the 16-year-old History Queen, Hamilton lover, and Jedi master whose favorite movie is Star Wars
He was the best Jedi. If they did his fight with Darth Vader in Episode 4 like his fight with Anakin in Episode 3, that would've been really cool.
I have never cried so hard for an animated character in my life. This character is well-written and so pure. It is absolutely heartbreaking to watch her die with the look of horror on her face. And Obi-Wan... you just want to cry for him.
This should be way up higher. Obi-Wan was forced to watch the woman he loved be stabbed, and he couldn't do anything about it.
I mean, seriously. I cried, and I very rarely cry.
Visually breathtaking and heartbreaking end to a character in a very Jedi-like manner. Selfless and dutiful.
His sacrifice wasn't in vain. The score really brought a few tears from me.
He died seeing his friends for the last time. As he died, his eyes turned aqua again.
I swear Star Wars, Transformers, Marvel, DC, and Harry Potter kill off too many characters.
Jango Fett was an awesome bounty hunter, and he is cool with the best ship.
Jango Fett was the best character in Attack of the Clones and the coolest one too.
Waxer's death was way worse than Gunray's. Nobody cared much when he died.
Funny, sarcastic, and particularly sadistic. He didn't go down without a fight.
She was happy that she and Cassian were able to transfer the Death Star plans to the Rebels.
He was happy that he and Jyn were able to transfer the Death Star plans to the Rebels.
My favorite character. I cannot bear to watch that scene anymore. I even made a story where he has a daughter named Jocelynne and he didn't die.
The boy you trained, gone he is. Consumed by Darth Vader.
Anakin died because Vader consumed (or ate) him.