Top 10 Unanswerable Questions
Supposedly, there was "the big bang." But honestly, it would make more scientific sense if Earth didn't exist - yet, without Earth, there would be no science to question it.
Even people who believe in God could ask this question.
Things aren't from anywhere. They are created, whether it's single-celled organisms, humans, trees, or even plastic.
The egg. Obviously. Something that wasn't quite a chicken laid the egg, and over time, the embryos evolved into what we now call chickens. Ta-da! Science!
I believe the egg came first. When prehistoric animals laid eggs, one may have mutated into what we now call a chicken.
According to some old philosopher (I learned this on Head of the Class), the egg is a potential chicken, while a chicken is an actual chicken. Fact comes before theory, so, as I always guessed, the chicken came first.
- D. Natasha
As a Christian, I read the Bible, and it tells us a bit about what life will be like after death. However, there is still a lot that we don't know, and this is a question you can't fully answer until you experience it yourself. So, there's really no point in asking it anyway.
I'd also like to address the person who said that if you are good, you go to Heaven, and if you are bad, you go to Hell. It is only through God's forgiveness that we can be with Him in Heaven. Only by trusting in His blood and righteousness can we enter Heaven. Hell is simply the absence of God. On earth, if you refuse a relationship with God, the consequences will carry over to the afterlife, and you will be forever separated from Him. In other words, Hell is the absence of God, while Heaven is His kingdom.
I'm not sure. Where did the idea of God even come from? If it was just one person saying, "Hey, maybe there's someone called God," then He doesn't exist. But if generations of people have actually seen Him, then yes, He exists.
If you believe God exists, maybe He/She/They do. If not, maybe not. No one knows for sure. Just don't disrespect other people's beliefs.
People often confuse God as a person with powers. But if you think of God as nature, then yes, God exists. God is the force that creates everything around us, destroys through natural calamities, and repairs through processes like bacteria.
Yes, there are. It's a fact. The universe is so vast that there has to be another solar system with a planet in a similar position to ours, allowing for life. And there are so many galaxies!
That being said, I don't believe in UFOs.
Of course! There's someone living next door to me, so I'm definitely not the only being in the universe. If you're reading this, that proves it!
As for beings on other worlds, well, where do you think all the ideas for sci-fi and space odysseys come from?
Of course not. But our scientists must continue working harder to prove that.
I don't know... Eighty thousand years? No one knows, not even the smartest person in the world!
Only if you're Doctor Who and know how to use it responsibly. But remember, the David Tennant Doctor had to regenerate because he was irresponsible, so basically, no one can use time travel responsibly.
Honestly, it would be better if time travel wasn't possible because there are too many corrupt people. Then again, if we could go back in time, we might change something that directly or indirectly causes us to never be born. Paradox! Paradoxes are so fascinating!
Yes. Technically, you are traveling through time right now, as the present becomes your past.
The Newcomers
To be honest, I think it's more about the mystery of existence. It's an age-old question without a clear answer.
God is an eternal, uncreated being. He always was and always will be. As humans, we can't fully understand this, but perhaps we are not meant to.
Cats are aliens if you think about it. Anything that isn't human is alien. That's why, when Clara was in the Dalek and said, "You are different from me," it came out as "Exterminate." Humans are just like Daleks - wanting to destroy everything that is not like them.
Wait, why does Doctor Who want to protect us again?
We can't really say because we haven't considered the possibility that they are still evolving, much like life on Earth did millions of years ago.
They could be in galaxies too far away from us. People often claim to have seen UFOs, but what if calling them "aliens" offends them?
Yes and no. The answer may lead to another question, or there may be no answer at all.
Consciousness is the state of being aware of and responsive to one's surroundings.
As long as it is - a bit longer than a shorter piece of string and a bit shorter than a longer piece of string.
I have a few doubts about this. For argument's sake, let's consider that the soul continues after death. However, every year, the number of babies born has been increasing rapidly. So, are new souls created, or not? Based on this, we might be able to find the answer.
This is a fascinating topic for discussion. You could talk about it for hours without getting bored.
Because there must be light to cast a shadow. Darkness is the absence of light. That could be a scientific explanation, or it could be a statement about the balance of good and evil.
Everyone has their own purpose. Your purpose is to make lists, and mine is to comment on them.
To live your life to the fullest.
You may not believe in them, but they believe in you.