Top 10 Reasons Why We Still Need Feminism
Since “feminism” is considered to be the word of the year in 2017, I find it necessary for people to know why we need it now in the 21st century. When we speak about feminism in our modern world, people get automatically divided into two groups: those who say that women are already equal to men and those who disagree with this statement. Yes, for sure women have a lot more rights than they ever had. However, these days women still have so many inequalities and injustice to deal with. Below, I will list and open up top 10 reasons why all the representatives of female gender need feminism.
In 2017, six nations - the Holy See, Malta, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Chile - do not allow abortion under any circumstances. Another 13 countries have such tight controls on abortion that it is almost impossible for many women.
All these laws are made by men. This means that men still don't understand that Women's body - women's choice.
I agree. If you have no uterus, you should have no opinion. If the fetus isn't inside you, you do not get to say how the woman should handle it.

Nearly 40,000 girls are getting married before they are 18 every day. These girls are below 15 years in 36% of cases.
Due to the statistics, child marriages end up having a larger risk and frequency of sexual abuse and domestic violence compared with marriages between adults. With little access to education and economic opportunities, they and their families are more likely to live in poverty.
Just because we have it better here than in other countries does not mean that we are perfect.
It's happening less often, but it's still happening, so you're not wrong.

Women are under pressure from society to dress a certain way, maintain a certain size, and have a certain appearance. Women are told to have perfect body shapes and flawless skin. Meanwhile, men face similar pressure to lose weight and get ripped.
That's stupid. Women shouldn't be defined by their looks.

Many women are sold into slavery, beaten, and forced into prostitution. Once traffickers or pimps bring their victims into prostitution, keeping them alive takes minimal effort.
The women remain stuck in the destructive cycle of prostitution. Sex trafficking exposes them to increasingly dangerous situations, damaging them physically and mentally, and destroying their self-worth. According to statistics, every two minutes a child is prepared for sexual exploitation in the US.

Victim blaming is an act where the victim of a crime or accident is held wholly or partially responsible for the wrongful conduct committed against them. Millions of women are victim blamed after telling others they were raped or sexually harassed.
People often ask victims questions like, "What were you wearing?", "What did you expect?", "Why were you walking alone?", "Why weren't you home at night?", "Were you drunk?" Meanwhile, rapists are not asked these questions.
In most cases, after being blamed, women feel "dirty", ashamed, and embarrassed. Victim-blamers need to understand that when they blame victims, they support rapists.

Women's sexuality is often frowned upon, while men's is often celebrated. How about everyone just treats everyone with respect? Is that so hard?
Slut-shaming involves shaming women for being sexually active or behaving in a way that suggests something about their sexual life. It's a huge problem because women's sex lives and sexuality are their own business.
Women's appearance is often criticized, especially by men, for being too sexual. They are also often blamed for being victims of rape. Both examples are used to dominate and control women and contribute to rape culture.

Catcalling includes verbal comments, whistling, honking, kissing noises, staring, groping, and stalking women and girls in public places. According to an online survey in 2008, over 99% of 811 female participants reported experiencing some form of street harassment.
Catcalling is degrading and disrespectful. After being catcalled, many women blame themselves for wearing "inappropriate" or "too short" clothes and feel uncomfortable, threatened, and scared.
There's a difference between complimenting and catcalling. Complimenting makes someone feel good and comfortable. Catcalling does the opposite.

It is very difficult to find the real statistics about raped women because many cases are unreported or not taken seriously. According to statistics, only 46% of all rapes are reported. Women may not report due to fear of slut-shaming and victim-blaming.
In some countries where premarital sex and adultery lead to the death penalty or honor killings, reporting rape can be even more dangerous. In the United States, 600 people are raped every day according to a survey.
Is there any man you know who is afraid of walking alone on the streets or at night? And is there at least one female friend of yours who is scared of this and may even carry pepper spray?
When will women be able to walk home after work in the dark without being scared of being raped, sexually assaulted, or attacked?
The Newcomers
If your feminism doesn't include trans women, you are not a feminist.

FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) includes procedures that partially or totally remove female genitalia or cause injury to it for non-medical reasons. Traditional circumcisers usually carry out the practice. FGM is internationally recognized as a violation of female human rights.
Female genital mutilation is mostly practiced in sub-Saharan Africa and the Arab states. However, women living in some countries of Asia, Eastern Europe, Australia, North America, and New Zealand are also affected. In most cases, FGM is done under unsanitary conditions, leading to health problems such as hepatitis C or even HIV.
Besides physical trauma like complications during childbirth, anemia, urinary infections, and fever, victims also deal with mental problems like stress, anxiety, and depression.

What is honor killing? Honor killing is a form of punishment where a family member, usually a girl, is murdered by another family member due to a "shameful" act, such as losing virginity before marriage or dating/marrying someone not approved by the family.
Nowadays, honor killings are often associated with countries in North Africa and the Middle East. In countries like Jordan and Iraq, the legal system tacitly approves of honor killings, which is a huge problem. Steps are being taken to stop honor killings, but the problem also lies in the subordinate role women play in society.
According to a study in 2003, nearly half of Jordanian boys and 20% of girls believed that killing a woman in the name of honor is justifiable. To all the women shamed for being sexually active, please remember that your virginity is no indication of your quality unless you are olive oil.