Top 10 Worst Aspects of the Pokemon XY Anime
Many fans remember their Pokémon from the first generation, but as generations go on, the fandom is subjected to many debates about whether the following generations grew the beard or jumped the shark.Pokémon XY: The Series improved over the Best Wishes saga, especially since it brought back many Pokémon from the first four generations. However, it is not without its own flaws. That said, this does not stop some people from liking the show or the current generation's Pokémon altogether.
This list applies to the human characters, especially to many Pokémon.

Easily. I get very invested in characters. I could enjoy a show with good characters and a bad plot. It'd be more difficult for me to enjoy a show with a great plot but bad characters. I just don't like her, and her being a main character made the show tedious to watch at times. It's a shame because I did like the show otherwise, but I have to remove many enjoyment points from XY because of her.
Ridiculous fan service and a disgusting, stupid character. Serena is the main reason to hate the Pokemon XY anime series. I wish Serena's game counterpart was the character instead of her dumb anime counterpart as the writers wanted her to be/look like. At least Lana, Lillie, and Mallow are better characters than Serena.
Or awesome Pokemon whose potential is wasted in pointless beauty, dance, and baking competitions? What the heck is that about? (Sylveon and Braixen)
They just are. Nintendo, get rid of stupid Pokemon and make a few better ones, or else you will have a couch for a Pokemon soon.
Finally, someone speaks it. The comedy in this series is really a downgrade compared to the previous ones.
Ash got so competent that his naive and goofy personality is already thrown out the window. He's literally now like a generic shonen protagonist. Sure, they want him to mature, but look at Naruto and Luffy. Despite maturing as the series progresses, they still have their own fun sides. That's what makes those characters remain fun to watch.
Let's not even talk about Serena, because even her humor is utter cringe.
Bonnie as well. "Please marry my brother." Oh, come on. Am I really watching a show about Pokemon and friendship or a romance show about children?
Clemont isn't really more fun either. His inventions get really old.
It's safe to say that the XY gang really lacked some personality, and the writers just gave them poor excuses for humor.
Easily the worst aspect of this series alongside Serena and Amourshipping. The writing just sucks. You get tons of pointless filler that has little to no significance to the plot, comparable to Naruto's, and the rinse-and-repeat mediocre storyline where nothing gets done in the end since Ash just loses leagues. Considering this is the fifth anime in the series, of course, it's now beyond grueling at this point.
Couldn't agree more, @yungstirjoey666. The Pokemon anime as a whole is bad. XY doesn't really fix the series' many flaws.
This isn't an XY problem. It's just a problem with the entire anime in general.
Yes. The writing in Diamond and Pearl is so superior.
Nothing can best Diamond and Pearl.

It's bad enough I see panning shots on the butt of some girls in Sword Art Online, but it seems now Pokemon is doing it with Serena. Seriously, this is a kids' show, not a sneaky imitator of Fairy Tail disguised as a kids' show.
UGH! This! Really, Serena and fanservice are like one and the same! It ticks me off how so many camera angles focus on her short skirts!
Amourshipping is a prime example of why putting fanservice in Pokemon is a really bad idea, especially if it's a ship tease/bait.
The Newcomers

She's annoying and not wise. She takes care of a Pokémon that she knows nothing about. That's a stupid decision.

This really annoyed me to the core. Why is this stupid, overrated, ugly frog the main star and not Pikachu, which is Ash's main Pokémon? At least SM fixed this by giving Pikachu the 10-million-volt Thunderbolt Z-Move, which is 100 times cooler than Ash-Greninja.
The focus was really too much on Ash-Greninja. It feels like his other Pokemon are freeloaders. Goodra and Noivern get the least or maybe no amount of development before evolving. It's like the writers just gave Ash fully evolved Pokemon without doing anything. Goodra and Noivern never battled before they evolved.
That episode when Serena dressed up as Ash. Ironically, this would've been a normal scene from the original 4Kids era.
Blatant fanservice and the sexualization of a 10-year-old girl (Serena dressing in what was basically lingerie with little animal ears and a Fennekin tail) is disturbing!

Even BW did this better than XY. In XY, the Pokemon characters just seem like battling machines that have forced "bonds" with their trainers.
Even BW characterized the Pokemon better. That's one of its strong points. XY just has them as bland battling machines.
Ash, Serena, and Bonnie are annoying and stupid. Clemont is the only character I actually like.
All of the characters have little to no personality whatsoever. They're way too positive.
Even though I don't like Serena, I was glad she found her own goal. I'll admit her best moments come from her Showcases subplot (even though she doesn't have many, and in the end, she invalidates everything by saying Ash is her goal, thus making her Kalos Queen goal pointless). However, I have my fair share of problems with Showcases and honestly think they should've never existed. The only good point is that a non-battling-related goal was interesting, and they are pretty to look at, but that doesn't redeem them at all in my eyes.
For every other profession in the Pokemon world, we always had both male and female representatives. Be it the badge quest, contests, battle tournaments, gym leaders, researchers, racers, etc., with Showcases, there was literally no reason to make them gender-specific except to play on gender roles, which were never a core part of Pokemon. We had battler girls (Bianca, Iris, Casey, Misty) and coordinator boys (Drew, Harley, Kenny, Nando). There was literally no reason to suddenly play on gender roles and render the Do what you and your Pokemon love theme pointless. If a male trainer and his Pokemon like these kinds of things, they still can't take part in it. That's stupid and sends out a bad message to kids: girls have to like feminine things, and boys have to battle/can't like more feminine things. This is a kid's show, and incorporating sexist views in it is a bad thing.
Secondly, the Showcases are basically a glorified beauty pageant, and the Pokemon are secondary tools for the trainer to do their idol stuff. One Showcase had the performers bake while the Pokemon stood there and handed them the ingredients. Another Showcase had the performers make an outfit for their Pokemon while the Pokemon was standing there, and then put it on the Pokemon, who was still standing there. It feels like the Pokemon are stepping stones or tools for the performer to do her idol show. That destroys the whole Pokemon are equals to humans... more
That match between the mega Charizards had a lot of potential. Unfortunately, it didn't last long.
One of the worst leagues ever and completely rushed. SM and Johto are way better leagues than this monstrosity.
Eh, in some areas they have their charm, but they are extremely overused, pointless, and a waste of time most of the time.

Amourshipping seems cute and all, but it's basically forced fan service. None of the ships would work out anyway. Ash doesn't need a girlfriend. He's happy enough as a Pokemon trainer. Besides, that kid is an oblivious idiot. He'll never take a hint. I won't hate you for shipping, but Pokemon should not be about romance.
One-sided relationship. Ash doesn't love Serena and only sees her as a good friend.

Putting Iris aside, Ash really should have used some of his old Pokemon. I'm not saying that his Kalos team was bad, but half of his team is weak to Ice types. He could have used a variety of Pokemon from Oak, such as Infernape and Heracross.
I absolutely despise this cartoon for a lot of reasons, but this is the main reason. I can't bother calling the Pokemon cartoon an anime because it would be a big disgrace to call this piece of trash one.
Is this implying that because something is for kids, it can't be good? Because that's not true at all.
I thought I would see a naked anime. I mean, isn't this supposed to be for kids? But there wasn't any nudity.