Top 10 Reasons Why Rainbow Dash is Better Than Mr. Krabs

I understand you guys have opinions but why choose a greedy and mean SpongeBob character over a just-being-cool tomboy? Here are some reasons why Rainbow Dash is better than Mr. Krabs
The Top Ten
1 Rainbow Dash is nicer

I couldn't agree more.

Good list man!

2 Rainbow Dash isn't greedy
3 Rainbow Dash Cares About Her Friends While Mr. Krabs Doesn't
4 Rainbow Dash Teases Playfully, While Mr. Krabs Is A True Bully

Something That People Need To Realize In My Opinion

5 Rainbow Dash gave up her friend for something only once while Mr. Krabs did this countless times

That doesn't make her any better. The point is that they both did the same thing.

And Rainbow Dash Was Extremely Remorseful For That Action And Apologized And Since She Is Fluttershy's Friend, Fluttershy Accepted Her Apology.

Mr. Krabs Is NEVER Remorseful In The Slightest

Plus Dash wasn't paying attention to the mare.

6 Rainbow Dash is Rarely Mean While Mr. Krabs is Always Mean

Another Thing People Need To Realize In My Opinion

7 Rainbow Dash saved her friends while Mr. Krabs saved his money
8 Rainbow Dash apologized a lot while Mr. Krabs rarely apologizes
9 Rainbow Dash is Funny

Mr. Krabs Is Not Funny At All In Seasons 6-8

10 Mr. Krabs is selfish and evil

Yes, he's selfish with money, but isn't calling him evil going too far? He cares for Pearl the Whale at least. To me, he's an angel compared to Adolf Hitler or Joseph Stalin.

The Contenders
11 Rainbow Dash is cool
12 Mr. Krabs's voice is annoying

And Rainbow Dash's isn't?

13 Rainbow Dash is larger than Mr. Krabs in size comparison

Is That A Valid Reason?

14 Rainbow Dash has a good fanbase
15 Rainbow Dash cares about her friends and Mr. Krabs only cares about money

We need more lists like this.

16 Rainbow Dash can easily beat Mr. Krabs by a Sonic Rainboom

I Want To See This Happen

17 Mr. Krabs Nearly Drove Plankton To Suicide
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