Top 10 Worst Things About Reddit

Every time you post something even slightly controversial, you get a flood of hateful comments that berate and insult the person who made the original post or comment.
Even in subreddits that are supposed to be family-friendly, you still get inappropriate posts, often related to sexual content.
They delete your posts and comments for no good reason, but when people actually post harmful content, it stays up.
I hate when people explode into foul-mouthed rants in their posts or comments. It's disturbing to see all those spelled-out bad words. That's why I use a bad word filter.
Can't post or comment anything without people downvoting it.
Sometimes mods and bots delete my posts for no apparent reason.
Someone can post something hateful on a post you made, and you are powerless against it. Why should I have to deal with a hateful comment I don't want on my post? It's my post. I should be able to delete unwanted comments. Most other media sites allow that.
It's completely unnecessary and shouldn't be allowed. I would never post or even view anything from such subs because if they put bad words in the title, I can't imagine what kind of content they allow.
They set it up so every downvote cancels out an upvote, meaning if you have more downvotes than upvotes, it shows a negative score on your content. If you get enough downvotes, you end up with a negative score overall.
It's a message bot that comments the same thing on every post, usually a disclaimer. The message is never helpful to the post itself. I don't care about disclaimers. I only care about getting my question answered.
The Newcomers
You can't comment, vote, like/dislike, or do anything on archived posts. What if I had something to add to the discussion but can't now because someone decided to archive it?