Top 10 Hardest Sonic Bosses

The Top Ten
Death Egg - Sonic the Hedgehog 2

To this day, despite finding every other Sonic game I play easy now because of practice, this boss, which is fittingly the final boss of this game, is still very hard! If you make one mistake, you die and have to start this zone over again because there are no rings in this entire zone.

With zero rings and two bosses, these two fights are ridiculous if you don't have enough lives or continues to learn how to fight them properly. Once you know what to do, they aren't bad at all, but if you're out of lives after the previous zones, you'll be out of luck.

The Biolizard - Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

Everyone says this boss is amazing. It made me pull my hair out! I plan to never play it again. I hate when you sometimes fall into the water or those stupid purple balls of electricity he shoots out of his mouth. This is probably even worse than the Sonic vs. Shadow battles and the horrifically difficult Tails vs. Eggman Part 2!

Shadow must die 50 times to kill this thing. But it's my favorite boss in every game and the second hardest after Darius (you can't beat him). The Biolizard has many steps that get harder and harder. It's really hard.

It has an amazing soundtrack. But not the Generations lizard. This version isn't good. The game SA2B is also amazing.

Sir Lancelot Returns - Sonic and the Black Knight

Lancelot Returns brings the fight back from the beginning of the game with a vengeance. He is much stronger in this fight, utilizing Chaos Spear and Chaos Blast whenever you try to attack him. A very challenging boss, but it becomes easy when you know how to beat him.

Oh crap, I remember when you face him the first time he is pathetically easy, but when he returns, say goodbye to Sonic! Lancelot (Shadow) will kick your ass. He will go crazy on you. I beat him only two times, so get ready for the fight of your life!

Perfect Dark Gaia - Sonic Unleashed

This should be much higher. I mean, how is Biolizard higher? It only took me two attempts to beat him, but Dark Gaia is much harder. It's that part at the end where you have to press the same button 60 times in around 10 seconds. Who thought that was a good idea?

This boss is the most annoying Sonic boss I faced. Who thought it'd be a good idea to put 6 stages alternating between Chip and Sonic that all require you to perform pretty short quick-time events and then make you have to break Perfect Gaia's shield before Chip just gets demolished? Absolutely stupid boss.

Doomsday Zone - Sonic 3 & Knuckles

This boss is so hard. This was the first Super Sonic boss battle in the franchise. You're constantly slamming into asteroids that can slow you down, and if you don't collect any rings, you're screwed.

You then fight Eggman, and you have to lure his missiles that he shoots back to the headpiece. When you destroy it, you think it's over, but nope! He flies away with the Master Emerald, and you have to literally slam into his mech and pray to God you don't lose all your rings.

It doesn't help that he launches bombs at you. Also, no checkpoints! You screw up, you start over.

That's hard.

Big Arm - Sonic the Hedgehog 3

This boss was crazy hard the first time because I had no idea when to hit him, so I had to retry this boss at least five times to memorize his attacks. But in the 3DS version of Sonic Generations, since it was the first boss in the game, it made Big Arm seem like a joke. The music is also epic.

This one wasn't actually so hard for me. In fact, I think it's the easiest, probably because Super Sonic doesn't last me all the way to the boss most times. However, there is no variety in his pattern of attacks, and if you practice and know where to jump, it's a piece of cake.

The Finalhazard - Sonic Adventure 2: Battle

It's there for no damn reason! It's basically the Biolizard transformed into a hideous monster that somehow managed to get the Space Colony ARK stuck on his back! Oh, and I do not own SA2: Battle, so I haven't had much experience with it, but the music in this final boss fight is one of my favorite songs in the Sonic universe.

At one point, it was actually my favorite Sonic song ever, but it got replaced by the Time Eater's final boss music and His World from Sonic 06. Damn, His World is epic. It also got replaced by Silver's music from Generations, Sonic Boom from CD, Stardust Speedway Bad Future JP, also from CD, and Open Your Heart from Adventure. So yeah, it doesn't need to be there!

Egg Emperor - Sonic Heroes

I think this still deserves to be higher on the list. I mean, it's been three years since I got this game, and I still can't beat him! No matter how hard you try, he just likes to push you off the edge or simply destroy you.

This should likely be higher on the list. The Egg Emperor constantly slashes at you, and many people suffer a drastic loss of rings.

In order for me to beat this boss, I need a strategy. No other boss in the Sonic games has made me do that!

Metal Madness/Overload - Sonic Heroes

Sonic bosses aren't usually hard by any means most of the time, let's face it. However, that doesn't mean there aren't difficult ones. Big Arm, Death Egg, Time Eater, and so on. But this boss takes the cake.

The first part is easy. Team Rose has always been the stupidly easy part of the game. Part 2 happens, and now it gets hard with the weakness changing from yellow and blue to red and blue. The speed power is just awful in this first phase of this fight. Let's not forget those wonderful attacks this thing carries, like fire, crystals that will make you lose if you get caught, spikes, and a few others.

Then Team Dark happens. They have it the hardest, in my opinion. The deadly attacks happen more often, he has more HP, and his immunity will change to speed, to power, to flight. Once he disables flight, it's a rough ride.

Then the final phase happens, and there are many times where I either got trapped in crystals or ran out of rings.

Most of his attacks only help you, like his crystal cannon that doesn't trap you, unlike the missiles. It's a long fight, and it took me many tries to actually beat this guy. The Death Egg took like 15 tries the first time I fought it, Metal Madness took a whopping 32.

Nega Wisp Armor - Sonic Colors

The Newcomers

? Iblis - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

Come on, Iblis! This time I'll finally stop you!

? Death Egg Robot (Knuckles) - Sonic 2
The Contenders
Metal Sonic - Sonic the Fighters Metal Sonic is one of Eggman’s fastest and most powerful creations. Programed to be better than Sonic in any aspect possible, he can shoot electro balls, shoot electricity downward, do a boost, and make himself invincible. He fight’s Sonic each time he gets stronger, and when he gains enough power,... read more

One special attack on Hard mode equals RIP everyone. Specials cover half the screen. It's almost impossible to win with someone that isn't a member of Team Hooligan or Sonic.

Honestly, not as easy as I would have thought. Kinda tough.

This boss is so much of a difficulty spike. I haven't beaten the game since I got it back in 2012/2013/2014 because of this robot.

Metal Sonic is still my favorite character, though.

Lx (2nd Time) - Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
Perfect Chaos - Sonic Adventure

Oh my god, this thing is a pain! The first phase is okay, but as soon as it regains its health and throws its spheres, the rage quit starts. I never could beat it!

Perfect Chaos is an epic final boss in Sonic Adventure DX. The music "Open Your Heart" is so nostalgic!

If you can beat this, you are extremely lucky.

Solaris - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)
Zavok - Sonic Lost World

This boss is the worst in the game, even more so than the final boss in the 3DS version. First, it's a 2D boss, the only one in the game besides Master Zik. His attacks, like spinning around his dragon for about 15 to 20 seconds while firing lasers, are frustrating. The only good way to do significant damage to him is with the Cyan Laser.

Horrible, disturbing, engrossing, wretched, vile, pitiful boss fight. All of them. I'm like, "But it's Zavok! Why is he so easy? He deserves better. Maybe even better than better."

Okay, maybe it's not as easy as I made it sound last time. I died like five times in his first fight yesterday.

Antlion - Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Erazor Djinn - Sonic and the Secret Rings

Use Time Break in the head-to-head. Harder than the extra final boss by a considerable amount. (Same difficulty level, but you get infinite soul gauge charge in the Alf Layla Wa Layla fight.)

Hot Mobile - Sonic & Knuckles
Team Dark - Sonic Heroes
X Zone - Sonic Advance
Silver the Hedgehog - Sonic the Hedgehog (2006)

Still an honorable mention even though I voted for Death Egg Robot.

It's no use! You just got trapped in a barrel! It's no use! You're dead now!

Devil Doom - Shadow the Hedgehog

I once went against Devil Doom in Shadow the Hedgehog, and he is difficult.

Egg Dragoon - Sonic Unleashed
Alf Layla Wa Layla - Sonic and the Secret Rings

The first time I beat him easily. Then it was almost like he was evolving to the way I play. Out of the ten times I fought him, I beat him twice.

If you don't understand Shara, he's impossible to beat.
I didn't know how to beat this scary boss in the beginning, so I looked it up.

It's pretty easy when you know how to use Speed Break and Time Break effectively.

Final Zone - Sonic the Hedgehog

This boss really is not too hard, but I was low on lives to face it because of that horror Scrap Brain Zone.

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