Top 10 Best Songs On Radio X In Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

The Top Ten
Hellraiser - Ozzy Osbourne
Killing in the Name - Rage Against the Machine
Plush - Stone Temple Pilots

Best Grand Theft Auto: SA song!

Mother - Danzig

Mother. Tell your children not to walk my way! Such a good, catchy song. Sorry, but it's obviously number one on this list. If you play the game, you know how perfect it is for driving down the road to this.

Them Bones - Alice in Chains

I really like Radio X, and Alice in Chains is one of my favorite bands from the '90s. I love that Grand Theft Auto has that band on Radio X.

Best band ever.

Welcome to the Jungle - Guns N' Roses

It is the best, most enthusiastic, and energetic song in all of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It influences my heart.

Best song I have ever heard on any Grand Theft Auto.

Best song ever.

Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode

This should be first.

Cult of Personality - Living Colour

One of the best songs on this list, and my favorite one.

Should be in the top 3. Best rock track ever!

Midlife Crisis - Faith No More
Pretend We're Dead - L7

The Newcomers

? Movin' on Up - Primal Scream
? Fools Gold - The Stone Roses
The Contenders
Been Caught Stealing - Jane's Addiction
Unsung - Helmet
Rusty Cage - Soundgarden

It's such a good song! Should be number 5. Best Soundgarden song in the best game.

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