Top 10 Best Star Wars Music Scores
Star Wars is our greatest movie franchise, and it has the best scores of any movie, and it's all thanks to John Williams, the man of modern music.Here's a list of the best Star Wars music scores.

Without this soundtrack, this movie would've been just as bad as the other prequels. Don't get me wrong, it would still be the best of the prequels, but if the soundtrack wasn't nearly as epic, this movie would have been just as laughable as the other ones.
Amazing use of epic choirs. It's almost on the level of something like Lord of the Rings. This definitely proves John Williams can make some incredibly dark music.
This movie had the most powerful, deep, and emotional score of not just Star Wars movies, but of all movies. It was so detailed that no other movie score in the world has the depth this score had. It will affect your mind and emotions with the Force and make you think about the movie.
Some parts are even super emotional, making you think of when a loved one goes through trouble in life and loses control, hurting others, which puts grief in your heart. When you think about someone changing from a wonderful good life into a person whose life is horrible and tragic, you'll just cry like a baby.
This shows us that Star Wars is not just about spaceship battles or lightsaber fights. It's about life and emotions fused together. When there's a conflict about people's lives and emotions, you'll go out of control because this movie had everything a movie could ask for. And while it was a prequel, it was a great one that saved the prequels from being crap. Since Jar Jar Binks only had a minor role (and didn't even talk at all), we can say this movie was great.
For the music score, everyone should thank John Williams for this brilliant score and how it impacted us all the way. Music has been a major part of the prequels, whereas storytelling affected the Original Trilogy.

What makes this movie the best ever is the storytelling and characters, which is what Star Wars is all about. It works better than the storytelling in many soap operas, telenovelas, or pretty much any drama show or movie series in general. There was real drama in this movie, and the part where Darth Vader revealed his paternity to Luke Skywalker was the biggest twist in all movies.
But this place is about movie scores, and I can say this movie had an excellent music score. The music was very touching. Besides the typical spaceship battles, which we usually have, there were even some good dramatic themes, especially with Han Solo and Leia. Their love theme was the best in this movie and one of the best in the saga and franchise.

Everyone says this is one of the worst Star Wars movies, but that doesn't mean the music score is bad. It had a good score, and some of it was even magical, like a dream. Some of the best scores in this movie were Jar Jar's trip to Otoh Gunga and Duel of the Fates (with Darth Maul). Everyone loved those tracks, as they were better than the movie itself.
Duel of the Fates is, in my opinion, the greatest orchestral song of all time.
Sure, the movie was one of the weakest, but you can't deny Duel of the Fates.

The first and original Star Wars ever, and while not the best, it was the first time we ever saw Star Wars anywhere. There were good soundtracks, such as the Death Star battle and, of course, the Binary Sunset/Force theme, which lives with us forever.
While it doesn't have a lot of them, the one that it does have is, for me, the greatest 30-second video of my life. That is the binary sunset scene - the only scene where I actually felt I was in that world. The music gives me goosebumps every single time.

This was a good score. It was pretty deep, and it was best heard when the Emperor, Palpatine/Sidious, showed up. It was really powerful when he tried to kill Luke but was defeated by Darth Vader with a sacrifice.
During Vader/Anakin's last moments before his death, the music was very touching and showed us that he saved all and brought balance back to the Force. Yet we saw him turning back into Anakin and away from the Dark Side before his death. It was a big moment.
I get a lot of nostalgia from the song that plays during the Ewok celebration in the special edition.

While this wasn't a very good Star Wars movie, the music score was very good. Some of it was even magical. There was true music, and nothing bored us with it. The storytelling wasn't good, but the music score was. It was one of the best parts of the movie.

Even video games have good scores, and this one was no exception. It was one of those games that had a great score, and since it was Star Wars, it was definitely good.

The Clone Wars was the best Star Wars TV show of all time. It had a good music score for a TV show, and it was full of plot and detail. There was a storyline, and we got to see Anakin's vision of him turning into Darth Vader. We also got to know Ahsoka Tano and explored many planets, seeing their different details, lifeforms, and structures. It was a good TV show. It sucked to have it canceled for being too violent to put on Disney Channel. They replaced it with a more boring show called Star Wars Rebels, which has a less good music score.
The Newcomers

Not only the best SW game, it also had a score that matched the movies.