Top Ten Typically British Traits
As a proud Brit girl, I know what I'm talking about. If you come to Lovely Great Britain, you'll find all these traits and more in the Great British public.Let's compare the lives of Deborah and Janet, two typical British people who are friends. One day, they go shopping in their local Asda.
Janet: *rams trolley into Deborah's left leg*
Deborah: Sorry.
Janet: Very sorry about that, it was totally my fault.
Deborah: Don't be so silly, Janet. It's fine!
Then they have a polite argument in the middle of Asda.
To be honest, this British trait sounds similar to Canadians because, like the Brits, Canadians will apologize for anything. I think Canadians are very polite because we are friendly to all, unless you make fun of us, of course.
Personally, I say sorry too much even for things I never did!
The Brits are world-known for our sarcasm and irony. We love a bit of it. A LOT of it, in fact.
Literally, my humor consists of 50% terrible puns and 50% sarcasm.
We really do have a Keep Calm and Carry On approach to life. It's the Great British way.
One of my best friends is British, and this couldn't be more accurate! Always reluctant to give in to emotion.

A lot of Brits are extremely intelligent but hide this fact to avoid being considered nerds.
They are generally smart, but most people assume that because of their accent.

Yup! People want to be friends with me strictly because of my "attractive accent," as they like to call it.
We laugh at our faults. We know we're not perfect, but what the hell. Haha!
I was in England as the North American manager of a British firm. The regular folks are okay, but those who consider themselves "upper class" were a pain. They still think England is a great power. They looked at Canada as a colony and kept asking me if I was in the lumber or fur business before I worked for them. I was never treated like that in the United States. They thought they were being so clever, but we just concluded they were idiots.
SOME Brits also have a tendency to be caring, empathetic, modest, and really rather friendly, you know.
We love a good moan about everything. Even about how much we enjoy something... like moaning!
Think they never moan? Just listen to them on the underground on their phone or with friends. Always moaning about somebody... at work, in a meeting, at lunch, etc.
I have to admit it. One of my friends is sometimes so cold that I still can't get used to it.
The Newcomers

A long queue in Great Britain means three people in a line, waiting for something - that's how far apart we stand from each other. Think I'm joking...?
This characteristic is so charming, especially to Americans who live in the Southern states.
We do this a lot, love. We just love other people, sweetheart.
We certainly are! We have this attitude of never giving in, even when we know in our hearts we have little or no chance of winning. We see things through to the bitter end. At least we can say, "We tried our best, chaps. Let's go home and have a nice cup of tea, shall we?"
"Even if he says 'let's grab a coffee,' he ends up ordering a cuppa tea. And he actually has different types of tea in his place for different times and occasions."
I personally adore little country pubs in little villages. Sweet!
..And I adore hot buttered crumpets - sometimes with cheese. Thank you to the dear member who added this. It IS a very British trait.
Britain has always had a class hierarchy and a form of caste system. The peasants vs. the patricians.
Honest, not materialistic, calm, and dignified. English folks enjoy the peacefulness of nature.
Nah, we're just sarcastic, and people think we're serious.