Most Unfunny Memes in 2019

Ha, now it’s time to take back my list. These are the most unfunny memes of 2019.
The Top Ten
1 Ok Boomer

Also calling anyone you disagree with or don't like "boomer", regardless of how old they really are. And insisting "boomer is a mindset/mentality/state of mind". And saying ,"that's so boomer" or "what a boomer thing" about any phrase or action you don't approve of.

This trash needs to die already. Really overused, unfunny, offensive, repetitive, boring and stupid.

"Really overused, unfunny, offensive, repetitive, boring and stupid." Kind of like HaloFanboy's comments.

2 What kind of princess are you?

That scene in "Ralph Breaks the Internet" that reduces the Princesses to annoying stereotypes. And of course culminating in asking if "a big strong MAN saved you". Unfortunately, people adapted to other characters.

Disney, your shallow self-deprecation and virtue signaling have been duly noted.

Ralph Breaks the Internet is a terrible movie.

Blatant third-wave feminism pandering

3 Women yelling at cat

That "Real Housewives" screenshot merged with that innocent cat photo; used to portray dumb arguments.

4 When the Autistic kid...
5 Autistic Screeching
6 Ant Man Thanos: Inside Theory
7 Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is for good boys and girls of many different ages

THEN BAYONETTA SHOULD HAVE BEEN CUT! Or rather the ballot results (and this is assuming they were legit in the first place) should have been ignored and whoever the highest placing character who actually better fit the "for good boys and girls of all ages" been added instead.

8 Powerful Shaggy

More autistic than autism itself.

9 I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter

Attack helicopter is the best known "X", but any object or animal has been used. Also when "X" is "rich" and people go so far as to demand money (even set up GoFundMe's) for their "transition". That last one may use "transfinancial" instead of "I identify as rich", but same thing.

10 Moto Moto
The Contenders
11 Me and The Boys Spiderman Version
12 And I Oop
13 She took the kids!
14 Shen Yun

I Never Understood This

15 Beanos
16 Maybe I’ll Be Tracer

I'm already tracer

17 Hit or Miss

They always miss.

18 J.K. Rowling Tweets
19 Big Chungus
20 Le Monke / Uh Oh Stinky
21 "I'm gonna say the 'n' word!"
22 Harambo
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