Top 10 Interesting Facts about World War II

Thanks to my history class, I have been learning more about the two World Wars. All of these facts are from videos and textbooks so they are reliable sources.
The Top Ten
1 More civilians died than soldiers
2 Hitler's main goal wasn't to kill all Jews
3 Queen Elizabeth II was a driver and a mechanic during WWII
4 Many countries gained independence after WWII
5 In the US, hamburgers were called Liberty Steaks during WWII

Yes, Hamburg is a big German city

6 The first Allied shot was fired by the Australians
7 The U.S. didn't officially join the war until Pearl Harbor was bombed
8 The youngest serviceman was only 12 years old
9 The date when WW2 started is still debated to this day
10 The British were working on a "Death Ray"
The Contenders
11 About 27,700 tons of bombs were dropped every month by the Allies
12 About 1.5 million children died in the Holocaust
13 Hitler and Henry Ford were admirers of each other
14 The Treaty of Versailles was part of the reason why WW2 started
15 The Americans were planning to nuke Japan a third time
16 3,000 babies were delivered in Auschwitz
17 Hitler designed the Nazi flag
18 Although WW2 ended in 1945, the last Axis soldier to surrender did so in 1974
19 Russia and Japan never signed a peace treaty even after WW2 ended
20 The concentration camps were a secondary plan for the Jews

Hitler wanted to send them to the Island Madagascar but wasn't able, so he told numerous countries to take the Jews as refugees but they denied it, so Hitler used concentration camps.

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