Top 10 Countries Which Were Most Affected by World War II
It's about those countries which were affected in World War II. It also includes after the war.
Harry S. Truman did the right thing to avenge the victims of Pearl Harbor and the other Asian countries. Let's not forget to mention the comfort women who were the most victimized people within the War in the Pacific. The two atomic bombs were justified because Japan's military power needed to end.
After the war, Japan was nowhere near how it was before. Everything changed in Japan. Literally everything. They are still the only country to ever get hit by a nuclear bomb in war.

Their army wasn't big because most of them were dead, and they had to get their country back. In Poland, there's a statue with running people representing that Poland was very confident about reclaiming their land. Sadly, after WWII, every country agreed that the countries that destroyed buildings in other countries had to pay for the reconstruction. Germany didn't pay Poland, even though it was the most destroyed country in the world.
Poland was the first victim of German and Soviet aggression. 2.9 million ethnic Poles and 2.9 million Jews were killed. Major cities like Warsaw were destroyed. Many villages were burned down, and after the war, Poland became a puppet state of the USSR, losing huge lands in the east although gaining many in the west.

They could never replace millions of dead young men. They will continue to accept as many immigrants, especially males, as possible to replace their population. Those who think the German economy is strong right now do not understand the economic power Germany wielded under the 2nd and 3rd Reich.
Failures to replace the population and an economy that will always be dependent on exports, wielding almost no military power, and at the mercy of the major powers, Germany is a shell of the empire it once was.
Their armies defeated, the nation divided and conquered, left in rubble, and people quite frankly internationally humiliated at the subject of its eternal enemies. What was once the most powerful nation in Europe was now Allied-occupied for as long as they saw fit.
Look at how heavily they were bombed, how many of their best men were killed in the Soviet Union and other places where they suffered horrible defeats.
Their largest army groups had all been consumed in the grinder that was Russia, combined with the many they were losing in North Africa, Italy, and later France to the Western Allies. Once all these various nations' armies started to push into Germany, they were not in a great mood and didn't treat the citizens well, to put it lightly.
Japan was nuked, which was worse, actually. Germany was absolutely consumed by multiple armies and bombed into the stone age. The number of nations that were at war with Germany and sending troops, materials, and resources to aid in the fight against them is insane.
So considering the pride of the Germans, the German government, economy, and especially the Wehrmacht and the overwhelming force used against them, I vote for Germany.

Although they didn't face mass extermination like the Slavic nations, they did face their fair share of pain. For instance, Hitler's constant bombings and attacks led to economic disparity, causing the United Kingdom to head down a spiral, losing its "superpower" title in the process and never hoping to become a world power again.
Absolutely valiant. The British people, as well as their military, heroically acquitted themselves in every way. Peace, BG (for now, at least).
"The Blitz." A lot of people, including innocent civilians, had to die for nothing.

During WWII, France was the second most bombed country by the Allies after Germany. It took seven times the tonnage of Allied bombs that the UK took from Nazi Germany. Roughly 75,000 tonnes of bombs were dropped on the UK (including Hitler's V missiles). In France, it was around 518,000 tonnes. It's also a sad statistic that more French civilians were killed by Allied bombing (76,000) than British civilians killed by German bombing (50,000).
Yes, they didn't get "nuked" twice, but the massive amount of bombings and use of firearms easily tore apart their cities.

Italy covers an area of 301,338 km². With almost 62 million inhabitants, it is the third most populous EU member state. Located in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea, Italy shares... read more
They were also affected, but they pulled back quickly from WWII. I once read that most of the Nazi soldiers supported them.

Though it probably wouldn't be first, many bloody battles were fought in the Philippines, notably the Battle of Manila. Though not as many people were killed, most of the city was entirely leveled, along with years of culture and many people's homes.
Much infrastructure was being built before the war, and nearly all of it was destroyed. Manila was a battlefield. Thousands of soldiers and innocent people died resisting the Japanese. The Philippines was the last country to surrender in Southeast Asia.

Most deaths out of any nation. Belarus lost 25% of its population, and all of its cities were ruined. Violent massacres by Germans, along with terror bombings of its cities like Minsk, led to huge destruction and millions of deaths. The huge persecution of Jews also killed many.
Ukraine lost almost 20% of its population. The country was completely destroyed, and all of this was just 6 years after the Holodomor genocide in Ukraine, which led to millions of deaths. Russia lost the most men and had many major cities destroyed. Other republics sacrificed many men on the front for the ultimate victory.

Millions of people died, and the country suffered greatly post-war.
RIP the spice trade.
80% of our Jews died. Many were killed because of lack of food.
Rotterdam was completely destroyed during the bombing in 1940. Most of the Jewish population was killed. Thousands died during the famine in 1944.
Millions of people died, and the country suffered greatly post-war.

The Newcomers

The Nanking Massacre resulted in tens of thousands of deaths. Major cities like Shanghai were completely destroyed. Millions of Chinese were killed by Japanese forces. Also, a whole river flooded a huge amount of terrain and killed thousands. Additionally, Japanese experiments on people, famines, and diseases hit China very hard during the war.
World War II was absolutely a tragedy for China! We all remember that bloody history and will never forget it!
It was a massacre. China was not strong enough to fight back.

You mean except for all those white crosses and body bags? As to any real economic benefit, America didn't finish paying off its war debt (its "borrowing" from the Fed and paying off on war bonds) until the early 1980s. By the way, thanks to FDR's socialist policies, the Depression in America lasted 8 years longer than in the rest of the industrialized world.
In my opinion, the United States was the only nation in which the war had a positive effect. Due to increased productivity, boosted morale, and general success, it experienced a demographic and economic golden age, becoming the most powerful country on Earth.

They were affected by mass murder and Hitler.

Australia's contribution to WWII was very significant! A country with a small population provided so many to fight in Europe, Africa, and the Pacific campaign. If it wasn't for the large assistance from the USA, Australia would have been very vulnerable to invasion from Japan. It also has to be remembered that the Australian army inflicted the Japanese first land defeat during their push across Asia.
How are other countries like Colombia and Sri Lanka ranked before Australia? They sent hundreds of thousands of troops to perish on the African and European fronts. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

There was violent genocide perpetrated by Croats against Serbs, Jews, and other victims. Thousands were killed by Germans, Italians, and collaborators. Many villages in the countryside were destroyed.

How the heck is Finland so low on this list? It was invaded by the U.S.S.R., starting the Winter War.