Top 10 Best Comedy YouTubers

I love Nigahiga because he puts so much work into his videos. He comes up with truly unique content and works so hard to make high-quality skits. If you watch his behind-the-scenes stuff, you'll see that his videos actually take days to film and even more time to edit!
He doesn't just put out tons of videos of himself being vulgar or shouting randomly. Although I do enjoy random humor once in a while, he always goes above and beyond that kind of easy stuff and makes super creative (and clean!) content. He is never cheap.
Personally, I remember that a couple of his ideas got so mind-blowing that I was left at the end of the video wondering, "How did he even think of that!?" But of course, he is Ryan Higa, the infinitely creative guy we've all known and loved since the early days of YouTube.

Whenever I'm depressed and upset about problems, I just watch SMOSH or some of their other YouTube channels, and they cheer me up so well. Thank you, Ian, Anthony, Kalel, etc.!
Smosh is one of the best comedians ever. I've subscribed to them, and they're one of the best YouTubers ever. They deserve to be here!
Smosh will always be the kings of YouTube...classic YouTube. PewDiePie is their prince.
I love OwnagePranks! He never fails to make me laugh. He's very talented because he's just able to do so many accents! It's incredible because I've never really heard anyone who's able to do that many accents as he can! And it's not only that. He's able to improvise as well. Just the way he talks to people in pranks - it's all just so funny!
His immaturity is just hilarious!

I love Superwoman. She's amazing! Whenever I'm sad, I watch her, and she always makes me happy. Lilly is my role model, the reason I want to be a YouTuber too. I've watched almost every video of hers, and I'm trying my hardest to watch at least five of her videos per day to reach that goal.
She can make the weirdest topics into funny, hilarious videos. Lilly's videos are so inspirational and relatable, and she's always her true self on and off camera. I haven't found a YouTuber more spectacular than Superwoman, and I wouldn't want another YouTuber with her amazing personality.
One love, Superwoman! That is a rap and ZOOOP.

Pewds is one of my favorite YouTubers. He makes me smile, then laugh, then cry with laughter. He is honestly so funny, and my favorite videos are the surgeon simulator ones. When I had to say goodbye to my dog, his videos seriously helped me (even though I was sort of cry-laughing).
The best thing about him is how he looks hate in the face and those witty responses he makes. There are two types of people: the ones who read comments and take them in, and people like Felix who laugh about it and find the bright side in a world of dark.
Pewds, even though you'll never read this, I'm speaking directly to you: never listen to that Malcolm guy or anyone else. You are Felix Kjellberg, and I am part of your bro army, and I love you. You are a perfect person. Thanks for making me more like you.
Videogamedunkey is one of the best - if not THE best - gaming commentary YouTubers. Instead of the video focusing mainly on the gameplay, Dunkey's hilarious commentary and memorable voice will leave you in laughter.
This guy will make you laugh so hard without even speaking a word...and when he speaks, it's god-like. He is way funnier than PewDiePie.
The Newcomers

Shane has come a long way as of 2018, and I'm so proud of how his channel has evolved over time. He started off on YouTube with some questionable content, but he came to realize that some of the things he did were wrong. He made sincere apologies and learned from his mistakes. Plus, even at 12 million subscribers, he stays humble and gives back to the community.
The only reason people dislike him is his older satirical content that he hasn't done in years.
I love him so much! He really changed my life and made me a better person. Every time I watch his videos, I smile and forget about my problems. He's such a huge inspiration for me, and I'm extremely proud of him and everything he has been able to achieve.
He's so much more than just a YouTuber or a comedian. He's a lifesaver.

Jack's parodies, music videos, and sketches are all extremely funny, entertaining, and creative. However, most of everything else he does (YIAY, YGS, Jackask) is kind of boring and extremely repetitive. So I'm kind of torn.
He has the two sides of the internet in his pocket.
On the left side, people who look for actual entertainment.
On the right side, people who look for memes.
Jacksfilms made me laugh with his parody, but his videos aren't funny nowadays. Please, Jacksfilms, return to what you used to be!

Come on, #21?! Danisnotonfire is one of the funniest YouTubers out there! Sure, maybe not as funny as PewDiePie, but he deserves to be in the top ten!
Dan is one of the most relatable YouTubers out there.
I love Brandon's videos! He helped me through a lot of hard times with his well-thought-out and downright FUNNY videos. He may seem childish or silly, but that's what I love about him!
I love him! He's a very talented comedian/actor, and his new show "Magic Funhouse" is actually one of the best things ever. Plus, when he's out of character, he is the sweetest. Haha.
Brandon is hilarious and talented! He deserves so much love and support!
Kai Kay has a variety channel with family-friendly comedy skits and sketches. Sometimes he posts a clean rap cover, like Will Smith songs. He also does funny vlogs every once in a while. His videos are always funny, and if you comment, he always tries to answer you.
Although his channel is still very small, it's probably easier for him for now. But I think he is a lot like Nigahiga and will be really popular.
Yes! I have watched his video game channel for a while now and just discovered his comedy channel! He is hilarious and cool!

Super animated and funny, she always makes you laugh even when she's crying. I strive to have a positive attitude like she does. She's funny and outgoing, and I love that she doesn't care what people think.
She is really funny. She can probably make anybody laugh! I also like her Vines and YouTube videos, like when she does the Helga voice.
Her videos are occasionally hard to watch with the occasional shakiness, but she does put effort into her comedy and makes us laugh.
I'm not big on comedy, but Studio C is the BEST! And it's clean, so anybody can watch it if they have access. Studio C has many talented people who can write, act, etc.
Also, if you are feeling down, they can put a smile on your face, and soon you will be telling everyone about this amazing comedy group! Check them out on YouTube, BYUtv, or in person. You won't regret it!
P.S. They do have catchy songs that will stick in your head for weeks!
Studio C, I'd say, is the most talented out of these people. Plus, they're hilarious.

She is hilarious! Jenna Marbles has the greatest personality ever! She has a very strong sense of self, and she teaches people it's okay to be weird! She's beautiful and funny.
Jenna is the best YouTuber! I love her videos and "bad jokes." She makes me laugh so hard I can't explain why I'm laughing because when I explain it, I laugh even more!
Jenna Marbles is hilarious! Her personality is amazing, and she's really pretty, which is a bonus!

He is probably one of the best YouTubers out there. He will make you laugh with all those incredible jokes and facial expressions he has going on, while teaching you something incredible at the same time!
He has so much humor and energy with him. And he pulls it all off without any swearing! (Very rare for a YouTuber with 2 million+ subs.)
His vlogs are the best. He's so honest and kind, and he isn't a douchebag (again, very rare for a famous YouTuber).
He just knows what he is doing. He is superb.

He plays games. He has Cute Win Fail. He sings beautifully. He's on jacksfilms' channel. He's my choice for number one YouTube user, period.
He is so funny! In my opinion, he deserves to be in the top ten at least.
Simply the best, most random, funniest YouTuber ever. No contest.
I'm simply voting for this to get it higher. SMG4's videos, especially his 2013-2016 videos, are hilarious, and he's the only thing keeping the idea of comedy machinima alive (he uses GMod and SM64).
He's also been stepping into storytelling with his arcs, which mix the comedy of his other videos with the character development and interesting plots that SMG4 wants to jump into. I highly recommend you give his videos a watch.
If there was ever someone who revolutionized the whole concept of Mario 64 bloopers with colored text subtitles and made the whole thing incredibly iconic, it would have to be this young man. Long live SMG4!
Good Mythical Morning is the single greatest show on YouTube. Rhett and Link are the funniest people on YouTube, and I would recommend them to kids. It is funny and non-offensive.
The only channel I've subscribed to so far. Clean, creative, funny, non-offensive, good-quality, and daily. What more could you ask for in a YouTube channel?
They are very, very funny, and now I watch Good Mythical Morning every day!

Phil truly is an amazing person. Not only is he hilarious, but he generally makes people feel loved and happier. I always come to his or Dan's videos after a tough day. They're honestly the sweetest and most caring people, and I'm proud to say they're my role models.
Phil is amazing! He is hilarious, his humor is relatable, a little awkward, and always makes you feel happy after a difficult day.