Top 10 Most Beautiful Women On YouTube
The most beautiful presence on YouTube: vote for the most beautiful girl, not the most popular.
Marzia is definitely the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, let alone on YouTube. She has such an amazing personality to go along with her gorgeous looks, and the guy who is dating her is definitely the luckiest guy in the world. She's so unique, interesting, funny, and silly that, weirdly, every woman I have ever met pales in comparison to her. Love you, Marzia!
The most gorgeous Italian accent ever, long lush hair, beautiful brown eyes, and literally the most perfect skin ever. Paired with her amazing slim physique, she is gorgeous.

Absolutely gorgeous! She is seriously so pretty with and without makeup, has the most enviable hair, the most wonderful personality, and the most amazing eyes! Plus, she's British. Seriously, please check her out now!
Zoella is incredible. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also kind, talented, funny, and truly unique. Zoella has her problems and isn't afraid of her viewers knowing. She also keeps an optimistic view. What's not to love?
Zoe is really the best. I think she's one of the most pretty YouTuber girls without makeup. She's really sweet, has a good attitude, is also a loving sister and a loving girlfriend. I love her very much. She is one of my inspirations.
She's gorgeous and she does a very good job on her hair and makeup.
She's by far the prettiest YouTuber I've ever seen. Have you seen the others without makeup? Have you considered they are considered pretty only because they are popular?
Why is Grace not on this list? She's so beautiful, with or without makeup!
Jackie has such an innocence about her! I love watching her videos, and I love that she embraces the pale girl lifestyle. Not too much fake tanner or spray tans - just all-natural beauty!

Lia is the prettiest girl ever! She has the best personality and an adorable laugh.
React Series really made her win.

She is so inspiring and kind. She loves her fans so much and is very, very beautiful. Plus, she has a good sense of humor and a pretty voice!
She is the most beautiful YouTuber inside and out. She deserves the first spot.
Bethany Mota is so pretty and adorable. I wish she was the most famous girl.

She's adorable and flawless. Super funny too.
Super pretty, funny, and charming.
The Newcomers

She proves that women in science can also be attractive.

The biggest crime on this entire list is the fact that this heavenly beauty is ranked lower than Colleen Ballinger.
She is just super cute, pretty, and so hilarious.
Very beautiful and does a good job on her makeup.

SSSniperwolf is so much prettier than everyone else on this list. She should be at least in the top ten! She has great taste and personality too!
She's beautiful, she totally could start a modeling career. I bet she would also do well posing for Playboy magazine.
She is so pretty and funny. She really deserves to be at the top.

She deserves first place! She's the most beautiful girl in the world, not just on YouTube. Perfect hair, perfect face, and perfect body!
Perfectly perfect, with or without makeup. Amazing voice, beautiful face, really nice. She deserves 1st place!
Most beautiful girl in music channels.

She's absolutely amazing. She's just so hilarious, and her videos are so relatable. I love her. IIsuperwomanII equals bae.
Really beautiful, not just her look but also her heart. Isn't that what is most important?
She is amazingly awesome and brightens my day whenever I watch her videos!

I will vote for Michelle. One of the most beautiful and I think most friendly people.
I think Michelle is a really wonderful and inspirational person. She has helped people a lot, and her videos about makeup and skincare are very helpful. She's like a role model for all girls. Plus, she's Asian.
Andrea is way hotter, more stunning, and a lot funnier than your number one person. And she has a twin that looks exactly like her! Enough said.
I love Andrea's look, personality, laugh, etc. And she has a twin - double the amazement!
She's so funny and has a unique personality! Her hair is amazing, and she's so damn beautiful! I love her.

Search YouTube: Jackie Evancho singing 'Burn' on ABC's Good Morning America 2019. She is incredibly gorgeous.

There is a new girl in the world. Her name is Boxxy. The combination of her eyes and her hair is just amazing. She is so cute and adorable. No girl can match her adorable face, body, hair, eyes, and smile. It is just so attractive and beautiful. Boxxy forever! She has looks that no one can ever forget. She is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She should be number 1.

Oh my Lord! iJustine is happy, cheerful, and just mind-numbingly beautiful! I literally have to force myself to stop looking up pictures of her because my heart explodes every time I see her.