Top 10 Funniest Songs on YouTube

Haha! Hilarious songs so please comments and vote. PLEASE LISTEN TO THEM! Hilarious!
The Top Ten
1 Mcdonalds Rap

I need a double cheeseburger, hold the lettuce. Don't be frontin', son, no seeds on the bun! Laugh out loud! Love this song!

Laugh out loud! I sang this in the car yesterday, and my friend burst out laughing!

Hilarious, hilarious, hilarious. Laugh out loud.

2 Ebay Song

I love Weird Al. He is my third hero. One of my favorite songs is how he did Ugly Girl instead of Barbie Girl.

3 The Lazy Song

Simply funny. One of the greatest songs made by Bruno Mars.

It's ten times better than your other lame songs.

Hilarious. Laugh out loud. Great video.

4 Witch Doctor

I thought this was about monkeys when I was a child.

Great song. Has me dancing all the time.

5 Doin' your mom by, Fatty Spins

I wish this were the outro song for RayWilliamJohnson again.

This is absolutely hilarious.

6 Tik Tok Parody - Midnight Beast

Awesome! I watched this guy like six years ago.

7 Show Me Your Genitals

Jon Lajoie is easily one of the top three funniest singers out there. Every one of his videos is hilarious!

Hilarious. It's so perverted, though!

Cooking, cleaning, and vaginas.

8 Chronicles of Narnia Rap
9 T.I. spoof= I Can Do Whatever I Like (with obama)
10 Ylvis - The Fox

A fox sounds like a cat, but you kind of know it's different. Does no one know this?

It's so damn funny! This song is rare, and there are only some songs like this!

Maybe the second Gangnam Style, but still cool.

The Contenders
11 Down by, Rucka Rucka Ali
12 J*** in My Pants

Any Lonely Island song is king. Enough said.

Laugh every time I hear this song.

This needs to be higher. Too funny!

13 Muppet Sex
14 Bromance - NigaHiga

My family usually doesn't like watching YouTube videos, but this video was one of the few they laughed at.

This song is funny and clean in a good way.

15 D***head Song
16 The Legend of Zelda Rap - Smosh
17 I'm A Gangster= Adam and Andrew
18 I'm On a Boat by the Lonely Island
19 Tic Toc Ke$ha parody by, thecomputernerd01 (youtube account)

Oh my gosh, I LOVE that parody. I bought it as soon as I saw it on the Kindle music store. My favorite, though, is either his Thrift Shop parody or his Scream and Shout parody. But if I had to pick, it would be the Thrift Shop parody.

So funny! My favorite part is when he sings the part where he says, TikTok, found a rock. Gonna knock this poser's socks off. Whoa, they're purple! Woohoo!

I only live in McVille, and Thecomputernerd01 is a hit at our school. We sing it all the time.

20 Ding Fries are doneby, Peter Griffin
21 Dumb Ways to Die

Stay safe around trains, my friend! It's only funny with this!

22 Bushes of Love - Bad Lip Reading
23 The Duck Song
24 Boats 'N Hoes
25 Aint Nobody Got Time for Dat
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